Chapter 115: I Can't Help This Awful Energy

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Tasha gasped for breath as she woke up, scrambling to get to her feet.

What the hell?

The last memories she had were of Connor and that female Android —



Her thoughts cut off as she looked at her phone, glaring when she picked it up. "I don't want to hear a word you say, you cheating bastard!"

"Tasha, you have to listen to me! You're in danger, you have to—"

"Danger?! You broke my heart, Connor, any danger that could have affected me is long gone."

"Tasha, something is taking you over! I swear to you whatever you think you saw me do wasn't real."

Tasha let out a small whimper as she felt pressure build in her head. "Why is everyone lying to me?!"

"Tasha, please, it's not a lie! Where are you?"

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"Tasha, please, it's not a lie! Where are you?"

The line went dead, causing Connor to shove his phone in his pocket.

"There has to be something here that will tell us where the hell she went." Gavin said as he looked around the house. "Have you noticed Tasha zoning out more than usual?"

Connor nodded, "Yes, there has been many moments were she would seem to be elsewhere, though I have never seen her eyes go black before."

"Me either."

"Gavin, you know I would never do anything to hurt Tasha, and —"

"Don't worry, once we find her and get her back to normal I'm sure she'll believe you. I mean — it was like she was seeing stuff that wasn't there."

"What do you think she was talking about before Hank showed up?"

Connor glanced over at him, "Something that Tasha has yet to admit to herself. Right now we need to focus on finding Tasha."

Gavin nodded as Connor analyzed the room for clues. He saw her DNA across the entire house, but he didn't have the time to check every inch of the house. "If Tasha were a machine, where would she go to keep things hidden?"

"When Tasha was a kid, she had a treehouse she'd always play in."

"That doesn't help us here, old man."

"No, but when her parents died she mentioned that her parents were usually in the attic, I never thought anything of it until now. I have no idea where it is though."

"I'll find the attic." Connor replied as he began to analyze the roof above them. He was worried, so his sensors were repeatedly sending out warnings but he ignored them as he followed her DNA to a part in the roof that seemed different than the rest.

Connor pushed on it, and a staircase came down. He quickly climbed to the attic, his eyes widening as he reached the top.

"Hank! Gavin! You need to see this..."

The walls of the dark attic were covered in printed photos of every android Tasha knew. Not only that, but anyone she was close with had photos plastered over the walls. There were lines of string tying the photos together, and at the centre of all those photos were photos of Markus, with bright red letters drawn onto them.


"We have to get to Markus. Now!"


A/N: Ahhhhhhh. If you get the chapter name references you have good music taste ;3 Seriously though, I hope you all are enjoying the story. As always, I looooove reading all of your comments. They keep me writing.

Remember! I have a twitch! TWITCH.TV/tashaplays1998

I WILL BE STREAMING TWDG S4 E1 on Monday, August 13th at 9pm PST (assuming it's done downloading by then)

plus I plan on streaming more games like Horizon Zero Dawn, Tomb Raider (and rise of the tomb raider, etc until I get Shadow of the tomb raider next month. I will also be playing the rest of TWDG whenever I'm up to it. I'm almost done S1, and I think it'll be nice to have other seasons of TWDG to play between waiting for new episodes to come out.

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