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Casley's POV

I met Taylor when I was just a small girl, about 2 years old. I remember being at the Met Gala with my mom. We were walking down the stairs when I tripped over my dress. I would have fallen flat on my face if Taylor hadn't pulled my hand up in time.

I remember her ocean blue eyes looking in mine, feeling that I might sink and drown and die.
(A/N pun intended :) Her beautiful blonde locks fell to the side as she brushed my hair out of my face.

" Be careful okay sweetie ?" She said, with a beautiful smile, her red lips complementing her pretty complexion. I didn't get to know het name yet.

The following year, I was offered a role in a movie called 'I Spies Me' ( A/N made up :).  As fate would have it, Taylor also happened to act in it. That was when our relationship really blossomed. She would bring me to Macdonalds every day after shooting to get ice cream.

After the filming of the movie, Mom invited Taylor over for dinner. That night was one to remember and would always follow me wherever I am. That was the night Dad ever came home drunk. I remember Carrie and Natalie being dragged out of the house with my mom. As usual, she had forgotten about me.

I remember Taylor holding me close to her chest as war erupted in the living room. I remember holding her so tight, my knuckles were white.

Taylor was always like a second mom to me. That was why Mom asked Taylor to be my godmother. She was one of the few people I let into my thick, tall walls that I build up.

Taylor was there for me when Natalie was on her deathbed. She never left my side at the hospital. I was so happy to be with her.

Taylor was the first person i called when my parents and Carrie got into the accident. She is like family to me. Well, was like. She legally is my mom now.

When my parents passed away, I was automatically, legally, Taylor's daughter. When the fans knew that Taylor and Calvin had legally adopted me, they went crazy and the hashtag, #Caslor, went viral.

I have know Taylor for at least 5 years now but why do I feel ever so distant to her ?

I look around me, my room was painted pale yellow with ample space so that I could practice my dance. Above my bed, there's a string with lots of Polaroids attached to it. I loved this room ever since I was 3. Now, its like a place I can cry and finally let it all out.

Taylor has been trying so hard to let me fit in again. I don't know... maybe I miss them too much. It just doesn't feel right... Taylor being my mom ? Maybe its every girl's dream but I want my Mommy back. I want my angel. I want Carrie, my hope.
yoohoo !!! so im back with another U P D A T E !!!!! i know its quite short :( 😭

im sorry if this took some time :( its an emotional chapter to write as most of the things happened to me before. ( except all the Taylor parts ) 😂😂

like Natalie passing away, having someone to hug on tightly when you feel so vulnerable ( thats something i never get )🤞🤞

ANYWAYSSS, getting back to the story ,,,, the next 2 chapters will be about the characters so get ready to read more flashbacks!✅

Till next time !! 💫💫💫

love you guys !! 💕💕💕


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