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Taylor's POV

I flopped onto my bed as I sobbed into the pillow. I heard the door open and someone came to sit beside me. Calvin' hand rubbed my back and he said, "Don't listen to my mom. She's wrong. You're a great mother. " I sit up straight and whisper, "Do you think Casley will ever think of me as her mom? I mean, she's still calling me Taylor, not Mom." Tears dripped down my chin onto my bare legs. Calvin tilted my face up with his finger and wiped my tears off my face with his thumb. "Even if she never does, even if she always calls you Taylor, you'll always be her best friend, you'll always be the first person she'll look for for advice, you'll always have a baby to look after, even when you're old and she's matured. Even if Casley never regards us as her parents, even if she never calls us Dad and Mom, the way she does to her real parents, remember that you're the one always there for her. Always."

"Us?" I ask, confused. Calvin bends down on one knee and says, "Taylor Alison Swift, I fell in love with you the day I met you. I felt a feeling I never felt before, people call it love but I call it true love. I love Casley as much as you do. Casley needs us now. I need you in my life. Taylor Alison Swift, will you marry me?" My hands covered my mouth, as tears came to my eyes again. Calvin opened a pretty red box, revealing a ring with a big diamond on it. "Oh my gosh, Cal-Calvin. OF COURSE I WILL MARRY YOU !" I squealed as he slipped the ring into my finger. He jumped up immediately and crashed his lips on mine. I kissed him back with more passion. His hands made their way to my neck and his finger toyed with the strap of my swim bra underneath the shirt I had put on. I felt my fingers trace over his six packs and I unbuttoned his buttons.

"AHEM !" We pulled away and turned around. Selena was leaning on the door frame, one eyebrow raised. I looked down at my feet, embarrassed. Calvin was blushing and grabbed my hand. "You've got a teary Casley who's asking for you guys and a certain Karlie Kloss who has almost finshed all the leftover food." Selena said, smirking. "We'll be down soon." I quickly say, glaring at her. She laughs, wriggles her eyebrows and goes down.

I look at Calvin and he laughs. I roll my eyes and follow Selena downstairs.


Casley's POV

I sat on the couch, watching Karlie continue to stuff her mouth. This was quite an eventful birthday. Karlie and Selena had changed and washed their hair while Taylor and Calvin had a talk upstairs. I wonder what they were talking about. Tears have been streaming down my cheeks and Karlie was doing anything to make me laugh but nothing is working.

"Casley darling?" Taylor climbs onto the couch beside me. I look at her and whisper, "I'm sorry... " Taylor's eyes widen and and cups my face in her hands, " You did nothing wrong. Why are you sorry?" I look down and say, "I'm a mistake. I've always been. Mom and Dad always use me for fame and when chaos erupts, it's always my fault. I'm always forgotten. I'm always the last to be assured safety. I bring trouble and misfortune with me wherever I go. Maybe, you shouldn't have taken me in. I'll only bring bad luck to you. Look at all the things that has happened so far! " Taylor lets a gasp escape her mouth. "Cas-oh my gosh. Cas, you're not a mistake. Don't think of yourself like that. Look at all the things you've accomplished. Look at all the people with love you," Taylor gestures to the photos of me and my fans on the walls, "You're not forgotten, you'll never be. I accepted you as a package. I accepted you with all your flaws and insecurities. I'll never give you up. You're never redundant or replaceable in my life. I took you all in and will never let you go."

Once she finishes, she pulls me in a hug and doesn't let go. My stomach growls and Taylor laughs. She peeks outside at the buffet, "There's still marshmallows and some pizza left." Calvin was outside clearing the rubbish and refusing to let Karlie eat anymore. Selena appeared from the kitchen, holding a plate of cookies. "It's about 4pm so I guess I had better made tea." She set the tray on the table and looked at me, smiling.

Dear, Taylor | A TAYLOR SWIFT FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now