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Taylor's POV

I groaned as my alarm rang from my bedside table. I rolled over and hit the off button. I heard the front door slam close. Throwing the covers off while tying my hair into a messy ponytail, I crawl out of bed and walk to my bedroom door.

"Taylor? Are you up?" Calvin called from the hallway. So, it was him who slammed the front door.
"Yeah, thanks to you." I reply, rolling my eyes. Once I reach the staircase landing, he pulled me in for a quick kiss. "Is Casley up?" Calvin whispered into my ear.
I shrug my shoulders and made my way up to her bedroom. I knock gently, "Casley darling?"When there is no response, I push her door open, just to find a empty bed. My eyes open wide and I let out a scream.

"Taylor? Taylor, what happened? Is Casley okay? Are you hurt?" Calvin shouts from downstairs. I can hear him running up towards me. A pair of strong hands grab my shaking shoulders. "She's gone." I look up at him. Calvin chuckles and holds up a note that Casley had written.

It said: Taylor, I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. But I agreed to go to the Children's Cancer Hospital today from 10am to 1pm. You and Calvin can have lunch without me first. Love, Casley.

I sighed with relief and walked downstairs with Calvin for breakfast. I scroll through my Instagram feed and come across Casley's post. She looked so pretty, her amber eyes glowing in the light and her light brown hair up in a messy yet pretty bun.

I remember the first time I had met her, at the Met Gala. She was just a teeny tiny little baby then. I remember watching her wobbling on the red carpet with her mom. At first, I had thought that she was just following her mom to the Met Gala. Then I realised that she was THE Casley Mitchell. The prodigy that had extraordinary memory. As I walked closer, she tripped over her foot. My hand immediately shot out and I grabbed her small hand gently to hold her up. I remember her big eyes looking into my ocean blue ones.

I smiled at the special memory. We had grown so much closer when we shot a movie together a year after our little incident. But... ever since Natalie passed away, a little part of her bubbly personality disappeared. To make matters worse, God had decided to take her parents and Carrie away from her too. It was too much for the poor little 7 year old. Casley never showed her unhappiness to the world. She insisted on continuing with her debut, "Casley", tour.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Calvin. He seemed engrossed in a soccer match that was on TV. Casley absolutely adored him. And Calvin had a special place for Casley in his heart too. I know it, he thinks of her like she's his daughter.

I glance up at the clock. It was about 10.15am. " I'm going to find Casley at the hospital. " I say. Calvin looks up and says, " I'll pick the two of you up at 1 for lunch ?" I nod and give him a goodbye kiss as I make my way to the front door.

My driver, Hendy, was already at my car door, as if able to read my mind, he says, " To the Childrens' Cancer Hospital to find Ms Casley, I suppose, Ms Taylor? " I smiled at him and nodded. Once Hendy had drove the car out of the garage, I could see a line of paparazzi waiting outside. Camera lights start flashing and I realised that I had forgotten to put on make-up. I guess my natural beauty has to do the trick today.

In a couple of minutes, we reached the hospital. I was greeted by another wash of paparazzi and tons of questions.

Where is Casley?

Why have you come to the cancer hospital? Does Casley has cancer?

Taylor, will we be hearing a new album soon?

I rush into the hospital doors at quick at possible. Nurse Silvia, the nurse that had always made Casley happy, smiled warmly and enveloped me into one of her famous hugs. "Casley is in Charissia's room. Room number 1013." Nurse Silvia told me before returning to her work. I smiled to myself upon hearing the room number. 10 was Casley's favourite number and 13 was mine.

As I walked closer, I could hear Casley singing to them. I think the song is 'Part Of Your World'. I gently push the door open, greeted by the sight of Charissia and another red-haired girl swaying gently to Casley's beautiful voice. I tip-toed in, motioning for the girls to keep quiet.

I watched Casley sway to her voice and my heart just kept melting from her beautiful voice. I sat down beside the red-haired girl as Casley strummed the last chord on her guitar. She opened her eyes and looked surprised to see me there.

Before I could say anything, the two girls squealed and clapped thier hands. Casley blushed and reached out to hug the two of them. Charssia wriggled out of her grasp and ran to get the other children.


Casley's POV

Taylor squeezed my hand once Charissia had barged out of the door to bring the others in. I looked up at her and forced a smile. Its still so difficult. I don't know why I feel this way. Maybe I'm just not used to this yet...

I feel someone poking my arm. I look down and see Ariel looking at me with her beautiful green eyes. I stroke her hair as she says, " Can you sing to us again?", motioning to the small group of little childreb that had gathered and settled down behind me. I felt Taylor's hands on my shoulders. "Yeah Casley, sing to us." Taylor said, smiling down at me.

"SING! SING! SING! SING!" All the kids had started chanting. "Okay, okay! You guys win. Any special requests?" I ask, laughing and turn around to face them.

"Can you sing 'When Will My Life Begin?' from the Rapunzel movie?" A little girl asked timidly. I smile and say, " Rapunzel it is, " placing the fingering of the starting chord on my guitar.

7am, the usual morning lineup.
Start on the chores and sweep 'til the floor's all clean!
Polish and wax, do the laundry, and mop and shine up.
Sweep again, and by then it's like 7.15 !

And so I'll read a book,
Or maybe two or three
I'll add a few more paintings to my gallery.
I'll play and knit.
And cook and basically,
Just wondering when will my life begin?

Then after lunch, it's puzzles and darts and baking
Paper mache, a bit of ballet and chess
Pottery and ventriloquy, candle making
Then I'll stretch, maybe sketch, take a climb
Sew a dress!

And I'll reread the books
If I have time to spare
I'll paint the walls some more
I'm sure there's room somewhere
And then I'll brush and brush
And brush and brush my hair
Stuck in the same place I've always been

And I'll keep wonderin' and wonderin'
And wonderin' and wonderin'
When will my life begin?

I pause and take off my guitar.
Climbing off the bed, and squatting down in front of the children, I close my eyes and sing the last verse slowly:

And tomorrow night
Lights will appear
Just like they do on my birthday each year
What is it like
Out there where they glow?
Now that I'm older
Mother might just
Let me go...

A round of applause brings a smile to my face as my eyes open, greeted by a wave of hugs and squeals.

After I hugged each and every one of them, I go into the other childrens' rooms and play games with them. Most of the kids have been here for some time. There are only two new kids, Ariel and the girl who asked for the Rapunzel song, Enika. Time flew by and it was 1 before I knew it. I hugged each one of them again and promised to come soon.

Taylor squeezed my hand and said, " I'm so proud of you, sweetie. The children really love you." I look up at her and smile, genuinely this time, saying, " And I'll always love you." We walked hand in hand to the hospital doors, waved goodbye to the nurses, put on our sunglasses and out of the hospital doors.

Once we were outside, Taylor's bodyguards were lined up all the way to Calvin's car. Paparazzi were behind the strong bodyguards, trying to get a picture. Hank, my own bodyguard, opened the car door for us.

"Where to for lunch, my ladies?" Calvin asked, grinning.

ayeeee !! im back !! i think this is the longest chapter i ever wrote !! ✅✅

any ideas for where to go for lunch ? comment ! ✏✏

vote and comment ! 💫💫

Love you guys !! 💕💕


Dear, Taylor | A TAYLOR SWIFT FANFICNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ