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Casley's POV

Weeks passed quickly. Nothing else had happened. Everything seemed to be returning to normal. I spent most of my days rehearsing for an audition in an upcoming movie. Taylor trying desperately to work up some song lyrics but apparently "doesn't have inspiration". Calvin on the other hand, is hardly home and always at the studio.

Tomorrow is the audition day. It'll be a 2 hour drive to the casting area. Even though I've done this so many times, each audition is still terrifying. Plus, the atmosphere in this ginormous mansion is so tense. Most of the time, I'm just at home alone with the cats. Taylor spends most of her days hiding in the studio and comes home before dinner. Then if we're lucky, Calvin comes back slightly before my bedtime. If not, Taylor and I have a silent night, our footsteps echoing in the house. I've nearly forgotten how the streets of LA looks like. Taylor doesn't let me out of the house, claiming that "CG" is still out there lurking somewhere.

I'm currently sitting on the couch, surrounded by pillows and the three cats, script in my lap. I fling my head backwards and sigh, listening to the raindrops splattering on every available surface. Social media was my escape. All my fans were making theories of my absence. It was like reading so many short little stories everyday. It was about 2:37 in the afternoon. I had leftover lasagna for lunch. The seconds ticked by as I read and re-read the same lines over and over, experimenting different expressions. A minute went by. 2:38. That was when it all started again.

Lightning striked as the rain continued to pour down. A sharp knock brought me out of my daze. Charles was standing on the other side of the door, a package in hand. "Miss Casley, a package came for you. We checked it, no explosives or anything dangerous." He said, smiling slightly. I thanked him and took the package. God, was it heavy ! Dumping it on the kitchen floor, I opened the box cautiously, expecting something to jump out at me for some reason.

Nothing. Only a book and a note. I reached in and took the book out. It wasn't just any other book. It was a diary. The thing is, it wasn't a diary of anyone I knew. The name scrawled there was Gwyn. Gwyn. I repeated the name over and over again, hoping that it would ring a bell in my head but to no avail.

I settled myself on the kitchen floor, gingerly picking up the diary. Fliping it open, the first page was messily written by a four year old.

today i meet casley. mama say i cannot talk to her. but i did. and mama angry. i dunno what i did wrong. casley nice not like mama. casley mama nice too. i wanna go there. but mama say we never gonna go there again. i dont like mama. mama always hit gywn. gwyn dont like being hit.

-gwyn 11.6.14

I read it over. This girl. She met me when we were four... She can't be 'CG' can she? Questions swirled around my little 8 year old mind. I flipped the pages, careful not to tear them. Most of the content revolved around the fact that her mom was angry and hit her. I needed to find who she was but I can't let Taylor know. She won't let me.

I sighed and carried the box up to my room, stuffing it under my bed. Just as I was coming out, I heard the front door close. Peeping from the top of the stairs, I saw Calvin dropping his bag onto the floor. Grinning, I ran down, calling out to him when I reached the landing.

"Hey bug, how was your day?" Calvin smiled tiredly and ran a hand through his hair. I shrugged and went into the living room. "Where's Tay?" He asked. "Studio." I replied nonchantly. "Goddammit. I told her to work out stuff for the wedding. Why can't she just stay home and do that rather than go to that stupid place and do nothing. Can't do anything right." Calvin, muttered between gritted teeth, erupting into a fit of anger. His fists clenched tightly as he stared at the TV screen.

My eyes widened and I cowered into a corner of the couch. I haven't seen Calvin angry before, he was always smiling when I saw him. This side of him reminded me of my dad when he was drunk. A whimper left my mouth before I could control it. Calvin turned and glared at me. "You aren't any better you little bitch. You're a big piece of shit, that's all you are !" Calvin rose to his feet and towered over me. I shuddered and shut my eyes, bracing myself for what came next.
i didnt expect this chapter to be this short. sbsjs this book is flopping so bad ugh

💫 dont forget to vote and comment ! ill be picking a random person who either votes or comments to dedicate the next chapter to :)

💫this chapter is dedicated to PeaSwiftie13 thanks for being such a great friend :)

till next time babes ! 💗


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