Chapter 31: Without Warning

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“Oh, that’s so cute!”

“They’d be so good together!”

“Yeah, so much better than when she was with Aiden!”


“What? It’s true!”

My sides were killing me from trying not to laugh. They'd been commenting on Lance and I for the past ten minutes or so and I’d just been lying there, pretending to sleep as they talked about us.

“I hope they didn’t do anything during the night…"


“Oh my God! Now I’m going to have nightmares!”

I couldn’t take it anymore. I burst out laughing as I sat up, pulling out of Lance’s arms.

“You guys!” I laughed, clutching my sides.

“Lila!” They all scolded me.

“Shut up,” Lance muttered, rolling onto his side and covering his face with his arm.

“Come on, Lance. I know you’re hungry!” Brett cooed, poking Lance in the stomach.

“If you poke me again I swear to God I’ll kill you," Lance hissed.

I chuckled, standing up and stretching until I heard my back crack.

“Ew!” Catherine said, shuddering.

“What?” I asked, yawning.

“Your back just cracked!”

“Thanks for pointing out the obvious."

Ivy suddenly burst into our room, “Snow Day!” she cried.

“Again?” I asked, surprised.

Ivy grabbed me by my wrist and dragged me to the window, whipping open the blinds. It was still snowing, but it was calm for once and you could actually see. The only problem was that the snow was quite high and the roads were nowhere near looking usable or safe.

I looked out at the grey, dark day and felt disappointment set in. I missed Wyatt, and if this kept up I wouldn’t be able to see him forever.

I sighed.

“Wow, you look so happy!” Ivy said sarcastically, elbowing me in the side.

I shrugged, “I’m tired,” I lied. Man, I seemed to be doing a lot of that lately.

“You slept the most out of all of us!” Aiden protested from behind us.

“Guys! Breakfast!” Dad called from downstairs.

“He’s making us breakfast?” I questioned and Ivy rolled her eyes.

“Well duh,” she said before turning around and clapping her hands to get everyone’s attention. “Alright troops! To the kitchen!” She called and everyone cheered before following her downstairs.

Lance was just sitting up, rubbing his eyes and muttering under his breath. I walked around him and out the door, heading to my room. I wanted to see if the psycho stranger had come in my room last night again, but just as I put my hand on the door handle I felt someone touch my shoulder.

Without even thinking I spun on my heel and reached out with one hand towards the person, pushing them hard against the wall.

“Lance?” I questioned, loosening my tight hold around his throat. I stepped back, “Don’t sneak up on me like that!” I hissed.

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