Chapter 40: Master Plan

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I woke with a moan, chains jangling from the cuffs around my wrists as I moved uncomfortably. There was an intense throbbing in my arm and I opened my eyes groggily to peer at it. The long gash was still a scarlet color, and there were two half moon shaped cuts on either side of my arm from where Caleb had latched on to me with his teeth.

I looked across the fire, and there he was, sitting on the ground, cross-legged, staring at me intensely. I shifted uneasily under his gaze, but he didn’t seem to notice.

He just kept looking.

A long moment passed before I finally spoke, “What day is it?” I croaked, my throat feeling as dry as sandpaper.

Caleb didn’t say anything. He just stood up and walked out of the cave.

Annoyance bubbled up inside of me as I watched him leave.

I shifted my weight awkwardly, hoping to try and stand, but my knees buckled under my weight. It was hardly surprising, but still infuriating. I hadn’t eaten in how long? How would I be able to have the strength and energy to protect myself if by chance I managed to escape?

I growled hoarsely, attempting to stand again. I pressed firmly against the cave wall and slowly lifted myself so I was crouching uncomfortably. I panted with the effort of this small task that had been so effortless to me not too long ago.

Something hard pressed against my hip and it hurt, jabbing me right on the bone. I shifted to try and get whatever it was to move so I could crouch as comfortably as I could. The realization of what it was dawned on me.

It was my cell phone.

I scrambled, trying to stand up so I could reach my pockets with my chained hands. I ended up getting as far as a half-crouch half-stand like position, but it was enough. My hands shook as I struggled to pull my cell phone from my pocket. It took a long time, but I finally managed it, and nearly dropped my phone in process. I slid it open quickly, and checked it. No reception.

I couldn’t believe it. I shoved the phone back into my pocket as I sunk back down to the floor, defeated. My one and only hope of possibly being found was gone.

“What have I done?” I sang, feeling tears well up again. I had to distract myself but everything hurt and it was an all too present reminder. “What have I done? How could I, be so blind? All is lost, where was I? Spoiled all. Spoiled all. Everything’s gone all wrong.”

“What have I done? What have I done? Find a deep cave to hide in, in a million years they’ll find me only dust and a plaque that read ‘Here Lies Poor Old Jack’." If Caleb dumped my body like he did with the others, it would only take a few days, not years. How much longer did I have left?

“Why are you singing?” came an annoyed hiss.

My head jerked up to see Caleb watching me from his usual place behind the fire. The fire flicked and danced eerily across half of his face while the other half was hidden in shadow. He walked towards me, a slinking walk that reminded me almost of a panther; dangerous, dark and sly.

I didn’t answer. I just stared at him wide eyed. He unsheathed his knife as he prowled in my direction.

“Do you want to die now? Because I can easily make that happen,” he snapped at me, crouching down in front of me.

He put a hand on my thigh and inched it incredibly high, but I refused to react to it. That was how he got his pleasure from torturing and killing; the screams and crying were what he loved most, besides sucking blood.

His eyes darted to my arm and he suddenly leaned forward towards it. He drew his tongue across the length of the cut, making it sting and burn like fire. I ground my teeth together as tears pricked my eyes and I inhaled sharply. I blinked furiously, trying to hold back tears. Don't give in, don't give in...

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