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"I'm gonna mickey your mouse." Brandon announced on the bus, after only an hour of driving. Him and Dylan were fighting over controllers. Typical.

The drive from Knoxville to Orlando was ten hours long, and I really wanted to kill myself.

Me and Dylan were playing Minecraft on his Xbox, and every time I built something, he'd come and burn it down while laughing in the process.

"Fuck you," I muttered, and attempted to rebuild my treehouse.

"Maddie, that looks more like a tower than a treehouse." Austin pointed out.

"Yeah, it kind of looks like a really tall barn." Quinn added.

Dylan's hands were moving at high speed as he built himself an island far away from me.

"You're gonna get arthritis in your hands." Devin said, while Dylan focused on the screen with his eyes squinted.

"Oh my God, you sound like my Dad." he laughed, resulting in everyone throwing about a million rated R jokes at Dylan.

The conversation with Devin from 3 weeks ago still lingered in the back of my head. There was a lot of really negative, tense energy between us now, which I hated. He won't even look at me.

I guess this is the price I pay for rejecting him, but at least Dylan seemed happier.

Josh was blowing up our groupchat with screenshots between him and this guy from broadcasting that we all hate. They were in some dramatic knockout fight over the graduation video that was supposed to be finished a month ago.

When I looked back up at the screen, Dylan had destroyed my entire treehouse completely. No scraps were left behind. The worst part is, we were in survival. This sucked ass.

"I hope you get the zika virus." I snapped, even though I wanted to cry on the inside.

I decided to pass on the torture to Brandon after realizing that playing with Dylan was only going to result in a really awful ass headache. He was too much sometimes.

I spent the rest of the drive listening to old Taylor Swift songs that were being blasted off of Gilbert's speaker. Hannah was a huge Swiftie when she was in high school, so Dylan and I pretty much knew all of her old songs by heart. We've even seen her perform at The Jonas Brothers/Demi Lovato/Taylor Swift concert from 2008 at Madison Square Garden — and the only reason we went was because The Jonas Brothers were gonna be there and Dad highly favored his youngest daughter at the time.

I fell asleep not long after that, even though Brandon was screaming at the top of his lungs.


Alexis approached me while we were getting off of the bus.

"We're rooming together." she snarled.
"And none of my friends came so we're stuck together for this whole trip."

I was pissed to hear this information.

Alexis and I aren't friends at all. We hardly know each other as it is besides the fact that she's carrying my brother's baby in her stomach right now. Dylan's our only common ground, which is kind of pathetic.

"Okay, well it says we have room 4029." I said, while looking at the lanyard that Mrs. Jennings gave to every student.

I looked around to see where the building we were in was located, and Alexis groaned.
"It's all the way on the other side of the resort. There's gotta be a way to get there without-" she glanced at me, like I might have a better idea in mind.

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