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 They had all traveled for miles, along the border of Frostfell, but the heavy snow hindered their walking, and they had to take shelter, until it lessened. Just as the snow became a light flurry, they made their way to Frostfell. The frozen gates greeted them, as they saw the city coming closer. "That's a huge gate." The gate looked to made of solid ice; with the colors of blue and white shining through the see-through bars. "Wait! Who are you, and why have you come here?" Fifteen guards stood in front, and inside the gate, as they watched them approach. "My name is Alexander, and I'm the King of Astora, I was invited here to attend a wedding. The two men beside me, are my sons, Allen and Alec. With some of the royal guards as well."

 They all bowed. "Forgive us, your majesty, we were told to be cautious, and make sure no intruder gets in." Alexander understood their orders. "I see, is there something amiss I should know about?" The head guard arrived, as they were still standing outside. "Your majesty, forgive my comrades for their rudeness." He bowed to one knee. "The king has been expecting you, and is waiting in the front hall for your arrival." Alexander sighed; knowing he won't get an answer to his previous question. "Very well, lead the way." The guards moved with him, before the head guard stopped. "I'm sorry, your highness. Only your sons, and five guards can go with you. So please, choose the ones accompanying you."

 Alexander grimaced, before turning to his sons. "Who should we take?" They discussed it, until a man came forward. "I'll go with you, your highness." Sebastien stepped out of the line; bowing at the waist. "What's your name, young man?" He nodded his head. "Sebastian, sir. I'm a new recruit for your guard." Alexander looked surprised. "I see, welcome Sebastien." He bowed again. "Thank you, my lord." He chose four more men, and followed after the head guard. The rest waited inside a room made for the guards to take a break. Alexander had a feeling something was going to go wrong. The door opened to the Great Hall, as they were ushered inside. "Alexander, my dear friend, you've arrived." (Keep it together, Alexander. You two Allen, and Alec.)

 Alexander put on a smile. "Hello, Bernard. Thank you for inviting me, and my sons." He bowed slightly, before taking his hand. "So, do we met the bride of your son, or do we wait until the wedding?" Bernard laughed. "All in good time, my friend. I'm told she'll be here soon, and it may be someone you know. To be honest, I'm not even sure what she looks like, or who she is." Alexander could detect truth with the first part, but a lie with the second. "You wives didn't come with?" His hand twitched as he looked at Bernard. "No, my daughter was hurt, and got sick from the wound. So they're taking care of her. They extend their congratulations, and apologies, they couldn't attend." Bernard nodded. "I see. I hope your daughter gets well." The snow blew heavier outside, as they all talked amongst themselves.

 The doors opened as Contera arrived. "My queen." Bernard took her hands, and kissed her. "You remember King Alexander, my dear, and his two sons?" He gestured to Alexander and the others. "It's nice to see you again, Contera." No matter how much I want to slit your throat. "My dear, has our new daughter-in-law arrived?" Contera looked at her husband, before a maid whispered in her ear. "Excuse me?" She nodded her head, and went out the door.


 She came awake slowly, as water dripped near her ear. Moon's eyes opened slowly, as she looked around. She winced as the pain in her cheek was subsiding slowly. Her eyes found Vikcoria, and her mother, as they lay against each other on the other side of the room. "Mom, Vikcoria?" She tried to crawl towards them, but stopped as chains around her withheld her movements. "What's going on?" She looked at the chains, clasped tightly to her wrists, and ankles. "Hang in there, Bridget. We'll get out of here soon." Bridget was cradling her left arm, and leg. "What's wrong?" She strained against the chains. Vikcoria looked up. "Your mother's arm and leg are broken. Those men threw here in here against the wall, and then that bitch smashed them with her foot."

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