Beck Silver

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  Beck above.

   Third pov-

The snow was coming down harder in Frostfell; making it impossible for people to leave, as they tried to wake up Frost. Problems kept rising one after the other, as they tried to figure out, why he was still asleep; and why his body was still cold. His son was in the same condition, but not as worse as he was. And Moon had to have blood bags changed every hour; with a few more added each day, until it looked like she was covered in a wall of blood bags. Alexander and the others, were sitting outside the room; waiting for news, and some of them pacing the floor. The doctor took Alexander aside and spoke to him, while the others continued to wait.

 Alec went to join the conversation, as Allen just sat in his chair.


 "Any new results, doctor?" Dr. Micheal shook his head. "No, my lord. Concerning Lady Akatsuki, she's had shown no sings of change, but, there is some good news." He explained how, Frost and his son were starting to warm up, and the blood pumping through they're bodies, was helping to warm up their limbs, but they still can't figure out why they're still asleep. (I believe we established this, in the last chapter. Take out the Ice Daggers, you morons.) Alexander nodded. "I see." He felt a little relieved. The doctor looked at all the visitors in the room. "Why don't you all go home, and get some rest. You all look like the dead." He laughed at his own comment, before stopping. "What, too soon?" Everyone had a sour look on their faces, as he went back to checking the patients. "Now all of you go home.." He waved them off. "Doctors orders."

 After some arguing, and pulling Bridget, and Alec away from them, they all went home to eat, shower, and sleep. Later that night however, was not something good.

 Third pov-

  The hospital was quiet. Guards patrolled the wards, and hallways; while newbies, patrolled outside. Dr. Micheal was making sure Moon and the others were comfortable, when something approached the room. You could here, click-click, on the tile, as a creature growled; approaching the door. Dr. Micheal, wrote on his clipboard; taking a flashlight and shining it into each eye, before writing something else down. He had moved to the closet; grabbing a few hand cloths, and blankets, when he was pushed inside, and knocked out. Three figures walked towards the beds; taking out syringes laced with a silver looking chemical inside.

 "She said to inject this into the girl, before we grab her. Each of you take a side." One stood by her left shoulder, another by her left wrist, and the last stood by her feet. They injected the liquid into her neck, inner arm, and her thigh; making the machines start to go haywire. The third man had almost injected her with the full does; had a giant claw, not ripped through him. Blood spilled everywhere; the needle falling to the floor, and rolling under the bed, as the other two, tried to get their guns. Claws ripped into them; spilling more blood on the floor and walls, before the only thing heard, was the beeping machines.

 Moon's chest was moving rapidly, as the liquid flowed through her system. Her face was flushed red, as the liquid burned through her veins. She was soon picked up, by the clawed hands, and held against a chest; unplugging her from the machines, before they jumped out of the window. Alexander and the others didn't hear the news, until two days after. (In my opinion, they should of been there the next day, but they had to sleep. The nurses even had a few days off, as they came back to work, two mornings after the incident. Dr. Micheal, had been trapped in the closet for two days, before someone let him out. I guess it was a blessing that he was unconscious for the two days, but then again, he probably wasn't. Poor Doc.)

 When the few nurses working with Dr. Micheal entered the room, they had froze at the scene, before screaming at all the blood, and body parts everywhere. Moon's family, had rushed to the hospital, and saw Dr. Micheal being attended to outside. "Dr. Micheal, what happened?" He stood, almost falling over, as his head was still wracking with pain. "Your Highness." He was told to sit back down, before he let out a sigh. "I have no idea. First, I was going to the closet, and grabbing a few things, then the next thing I know, someone pushes me inside, before I hit my head and pass out. When I come to, I'm out here, being looked at, and told I was unconscious, and your daughter is missing."

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