Snow Fight

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 Alec and Allen-

 Alec turned the car down the road, as they drove to their destination. "Do you think dad can handle mom and Bridget?" Allen was looking out the window. "At least his job is better than ours. Those twins have rumors around them, and they're not good rumors." Stories have gone around, at how the twin Kings of StormFang inherited the throne. Some say they killed their father, others say they rose in rebellion, and murdered thousands of people for the throne, but they are also stories of how it was passed down, or they were the only ones to claim it.

 "I can't believe you got father to agree to asking them for help." Allen sounded a little impressed with Alec. Alec hands tightened a little on the steering wheel. "Well, I kind of told him we're going to ask Uncle Darkon for help. He has know idea we're going to see the two men, that want Moon for their mate." Allen said nothing; until a smile broke on his face. "Who knew you had it in you?" He was patting his back, as Alec had a confused look on his face.He shook his head with a sigh. "Sometimes, your hard to understand." After a few more days, they finally arrived at the StormFang kingdom, but they weren't the only ones that arrived. "Well, just are luck." Allen looked at the car of the same person their father thought they were going to see.

 However, he was not the only one who had come to StormFang. "Hurry up." They hurried inside, and were shown the throne room. "Wait here." The guard entered the room, and spoke, before coming back out. "My master is waiting, you may enter." They entered the room, and saw; besides the twin kings, that six other kings, or their representatives had arrived. "So, your Moon's brothers?" They turned to the voice. Two men stood before them. In case your wondering, Alec and Allen, and Dracula and Alucard, are in fact twins, but..... Alec and Allen are fraternal twins, while Dracula and Alucard are identical. "And you two, are the ones that want are sister for a mate." They sized each other up, as they looked for weaknesses, or soft spots.

 A loud howl came from outside, as people stopped and looked around. "Shit!" Dracula started commanding guards to bar the doors, and close the windows; which left the other's in confusion, before glass shattered, and littered the throne room floor. "Damn it, guards protect the kings." White wolves appeared from the windows, as they stood on two legs, and growled at the men inside. A light tap, came from behind the wolves as someone entered. "Ah, I see the reigning king has changed." A man came from the middle of the wolves, and smiled at the twins. "It's seems you took over, Alucard, and Dracy." (Dra-key) They glared at him. "It seems you did too, Beck." Beck grinned; fangs showing.

 "I feel kind of hurt, you didn't invite me to the meeting." Dracula rolled his eyes. "More like, you weren't wanted here." Alucard nudged his brother. "Why are you here, Beck?" He grinned at them; pissing Dracula off. Allen was getting a little uncomfortable, with all the wolves sniffing him, and Alec. "Um, Beck was it?" He asked softly, trying to act polite, before he lost it. "Can you ask your friends to stop sniffing us? It's very uncomfortable." He moved closer towards Alec, as the wolves pressed closer. "Pretty unusual." Beck was staring at them' while rubbing his chin. "The only other person they warmed up to, was a little girl who wouldn't listen to anyone, and kick you to hell and back." Allen and Alec had a pretty good idea who that sounded like, but couldn't put their finger on it. "She even saved my younger brother, who wouldn't stop talking about her for the past few months."

 Allen nudged Alec, and whispered something. "We need to tell them why were here, or Moon is done for." (About time you remembered. Sigh, men can be hopeless.) Beck turned to them. "Moon's here." His eyes searched the room; wolf ears and a tail popping out, as he looked excited. Drac and his brother looked annoyed, as Beck spoke of Moon, with a love expression on his face. "How do you know our bride, Beck?" Beck grinned. "It's a secret." Alec just realized something. "Maybe, we should of gone to see Uncle Darkon after all?" Allen nodded next to him, as they watched the twins have a death stare with Beck.

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