The Chained Kings

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  Moon rubbed her arms; as the chill in the room closed in on her. The three children huddled close to her; to get warm, and survey the room. The circular room was covered in ice, from top to bottom. The one thing not covered was the metal door they just came through. The torches even had ice flames that lighted the room, but were still frozen at the same time. "Stay by the door." She waited until the huddled together, before walking on the ice. She almost slipped a few times; hearing giggles behind her, before she came to the middle of the room. A transparent, ice wall stood in front of her, as it blocked her from going to the other side.

  She tried to find a weak spot; feeling around the ice. Her black wings shot out, and stabbed the ice. "Oh sure, now you help." The red wings smacked her butt. "Hey, watch it. Just because your apart of my body, doesn't mean I can't take you off." She rubbed her butt, as the black wings stabbed a very weak part of the wall, before it shattered. The blurred images on the other side of the wall, became clear, as she looked at the two figures. "Miss?" One of the children called out, as she walked forward. "I'm alright, just stay there." She took a few steps, before stopping. "Actually, why don't you hide, in case one of the Werens come in." She shook her head. Great, I'm telling myself everything is going to fine.

 Just as she thought that; her foot slipped on the ice, and she went sliding into one of the chairs. "Ow." Her head was spinning. "And this is why I tell my brothers, flying is better." She shook off the dizziness, and sat up. Her eyes collided with the first face; widening when she thought it was a mirror at first. Moon stood, and lifted a hand towards the face; lifting it towards the light. "It's me." He confusion doubled, as she looked at the other man. His face looked older, but had the same features as her and her double. She tapped their cheeks, and listened to their chests. Their hearts beat very slowly; as though they were suspended in animation, or cryogenically frozen to be kept partially alive.

 She pried their eyes open and moved her finger back and forth; watching the pupil dilate. "They're still alive, but.." She huffed. She tapped her foot, and looked at the chains wrapped around them. "Let's take these off." Her body shivered, as she touched the freezing cold chains, before they broke in her hands. The two fell forward, as she caught before the hit the ground. "Sorry you two, but the floor will be cold." She set them down slowly, and sat back in relief. "So heavy." Their bodies were still cold as ice, and a little pale. She tapped her wrist. "How can I wake them?" She looked down at her wrist, and tapped the veins again. She stared. "Maybe...."

 She lengthened one of her finger nails; opening a vein in her skin. "I guess they need fresh blood to move." She cut a little deeper, before letting the blood drip in their mouths. Moon pinched her nose, as she felt light headed; after giving half of her blood to the two. Her head jerked up, as she heard clicking nails on the stone. "Shit. Hide, now!" She got up on wobbly legs; the wounds already healed and stood in front of the two men. "This would be better if you two were awake, and I wasn't so weak, but I guess it's all I have." The children huddled together, as something banged on the door. "Here we go." The door bent inwards, as whatever was trying to get in, was succeeding. She walked away from the men; putting a blood circle around them, before walking to the middle of room.

 The door flew off it's hinges, as she saw the figure behind it. A weren, but this one was bigger, and looked way worse. It was almost twenty feet; it's skin stretched, and falling off, while teeth were protruding over it's jaw. Scars lay across it's body, as something else oozed from the wounds. "Shit, I'm screwed." The giant weren came inside the room; bricks, and dust falling to the icy ground, as it pushed through. She swallowed the dry patch in her throat, as it got five feet from her, before letting out a low growl; looking at her like she was it's next meal.  Drool dripped from it's mouth, as it's yellow eyes looked at her. Her own eyes glowed deep silver, as she felt threatened. (Probably from all the blood you gave. Your mostly hungry, I would imagine.)

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