The Lake Willow

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 His knees creaked, as the king finally let them stand. "Nice to see you too, dad." He brushed off his pants. Theodore growled. "Don't take that tone with me boy, you disgraced this family by leaving. Your supposed to protect the king, til your last breath, not chase after whores." Beck stopped, and growled at his father. "Oh really, then what does that make my stepmother?" Theodore almost shifted; had the king not stopped him. "Stop this, Theodore." He sighed. "My apologies, Beck, but things have been falling into chaos. But, I don't think that's why your here?"

 Beck looked at the king. "No, my lord." He was about to say something else, when the door opened. "You summoned me, my lord." Beck flinched at the voice; not wanting to turn around. "Ah, Net. How is he?" Net noticed Beck, before bowing to the king. "He's weak your highness, but is now conscious." The doors opened again, to reveal Storm, and the man she had Moon save. "Xavier, where is she?" The man spoke to the king; his complexion looking weak, and he looked ready to topple over. The king stood from his throne. "You shouldn't be out of bed, Lucas." He glared at Storm. "I'm sorry, he insisted on thanking the woman who saved him."

 Beck's ears perked at this information. "That woman, wouldn't of been someone called Moon, would she?" He looked at Storm. "Oh my, what's with this noise?" A soft voice asked from the door. Xavier's face lit up, as he looked at the newcomer. "My love." Oracle stood in the doorway; a maid right beside her, as they watched the situation. Xavier walked to his wife's side. "What is all this noise, Xavier? My patient needs rest, and the tree needs quiet to heal her." He hung his head. "I'm sorry, my dear." She grabbed onto his arm. "It's not your fault, but I would like you to respect my request."

 Beck walked closer. "How is she....or, how is Moon?" Oracle turned her head; blank eyes staring at him. "She is very weak, by the cuts, giving blood, and drinking poisoned chemicals, her healing is very slow right now, but you may see where she is, if that will satisfy your worry." She walked out of the room; not waiting for them to follow. They arrived at the cave entrance; Oracle already heading inside. The others stood outside, as the king looked at the cave. "I remember this place." It was the first time he meet Oracle; a hundred years ago.

 (Explanation time.... Little figure in a scientists outfit appears. You know how males are vampires right.......Pause for the readers to answer.........and you know how the females are human, but sometimes have parts of the vampire gene, well......... She paced a few times. "I wonder hos I should explain this, I'm not even sure myself. "Mumble, mumble." She tapped her chin. "I'll explain as best as I can. So females are human, and some have the vampire gene, but not as dominant as the males. Okay, we have that written down." She paced. "You better be taking notes." Little figure coughed. "Females can also develop another gene, if they don't have the vampire, or part of the vampire gene. Which would be, the witch gene, or wiccan gene. Not magical per say, but they can heal, and see parts of the future. Some of them have eyes like Oracle, but can also use their other senses to search farther than their spiritual forms can travel.

 Not many are born, and besides the females and males as human and vampire, their is also the possibility of them becoming werewolves. The females born as witches can also live as long as vampires and werewolves, but that depends on their weakness. My head hurts. Explanation over, for now....)

  They entered one-by-one, careful not to squish together. Beck looked at the giant tree. "It's grown in the past seven years." Ever since the day he left. His father scoffed. "What did you expect?" He mumbled things under his breath; almost causing Beck to lose it. A thrilling sound, resonated through the cave; causing the tree to shake in anger, and the others to look around. They turned to look at Theodore; who was clueless. Oracle had an angry look on her face; but masking it with a smile. "Theodore, answer your damn phone, before I shove it somewhere." It finally clicked in his head. "Excuse me, Your Majesty, Lady Oracle." He walked out of the cave.

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