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THE ADULT WALKED OUT of their rooms in the Feder house, to hear loud laughing coming from down stairs. Walking down the stairs, they went into the kitchen to find all the teens and pre-teens sitting around the bar.

"Who made breakfast?" Lenny asked, noticing the pancakes, bacon, eggs and cut up fruit on the bar.

"Maisie and Charlotte." Andre answered, drinking some of his orange juice.

"So, what's the plan for this summer kids?" Eric questioned as him and the other adults started to make their plate.

"Maisie had a good idea last night." Keithie said.

"You told him your idea but not me?!" Greg exclaimed, turning to his twin.

"You were too busy thinking about Nancy." Maisie teased, feeling Braden's arms warp around her waist and she smiled, leaning back into his chest.

"When did that happen?" Marcus pointed to his son and Maisie.

"Last night."

"I just want to hear Maisie's  idea." Deanne spoke up.

"Well, I know Keithie can't do much, but I was thinking we rent out the lake house we had for Coach Buzzer's funeral. Spend the summer there." Maisie explained.

"That's a great idea." Lenny said. "I'll get right on that."

"Great. I need you credit card." Maisie held her hand out.


"To go buy some things." She spoke with a duh voice. "I have things I need to get that's a part of my idea."

Lenny handed his daughter the credit card that she would need and she smiled, turning to Charlotte and Donna.

"The two of you want to go with me? I'm gonna run to K-Mart."

"Yeah. I gotta get my shoes." Donna said, running up the stairs.


"Okay, what are we getting?" Charlotte asked Maisie who was pushing a buggy.

"First, we're going to get a few new swim suites. Then, we're gonna go to where the floats and stuff is because I have some pretty cool ideas."

The three girls spent half an hour looking for four swim suite's a piece before they moved onto the back of the store where they kept the stuff for the pool.

"What are we getting now?" Donna asked.

"We need to grab a couple pool floats, another air mattress, a couple beach balls, some glow sticks, washable paint, a giant twister game, a couple board games, some cards and then snacks that we're gonna hide from the adults, Becky and Bean." Maisie listed off.

"Washable paint?" Charlotte asked.

"Yeah, to play messy twister."


"We're back!" Donna called out as the three walked in, arms full of bags.

"Did you girls buy the whole store?" Sally asked, taking some of the bags from her daughter alone with Deanne and Roxanne.

"No, Maisie has a few ideas so we bought what she needed." Charlotte said.

"And I bought them some new swim suites." Maisie told Sally and Deanne.

"You didn't have to do that."

"Don't worry about it."

"I called and we have the cabin for the summer." Lenny walked in. "Everyone's gonna go to their houses, pack and come back. We're gonna leave early in the morning."


Maisie hummed as she packed her stuff for the lake house. Braden laid across her bed, him and Marcus being the first ones to be back.

A knock on her door made Maisie drop the shorts she was folding and she walked over, pulling it open.

"What's up Keithie?" She asked, moving so he could walk in.

Braden moved from his position so the younger boy could sit down because of his leg.

"Well, I kind of have a crush." He said, playing with his fingers.

"On who?"


"Keithie, if you like her than go ahead and tell her. Trust me, Donna's had a crush on you since three years ago when we first went to the lake house."

"But how do I ask her out?"

"Just wait a few days when we get to the lake house. Ask her out for dinner. I'll cook the two of you something and me and Charlotte will figure something out."Maisie told her younger brother, "All you have to do is ask her."

"Thanks Mais, I love you." Keithie hugged his older sister.

"I love you too, Keith." She kisses the top of his head, "Go finish packing."

Keithie left the room and Maisie let out a loud squeal as she was pulled into her bed.

"Hi." She giggled, looking down at Braden.

"Hi, Gorgeous."

Maisie smiled, pecking his lips. Braden's hands found the back of her head, keeping their lips together. His hands trailed down her waist and flipped them over.

"Why are you laughing?" Braden broke the kiss with a smile as Maisie laughed.

"I'm ticklish."

A smirk appeared on his lips and he dug his fingers into her sides and she let out a loud laugh that the adults could even hear downstairs.

"I think Braden's gonna stock around even after the summer is over." Marcus explained to his friends and their wives. "Might even do Senior year here."

"Because he likes being around you know?" Lenny asked.

"Nope. Because of your daughter."


"Lenny, our daughter is happy. This morning when he wrapped his arms around her, her eyes lit up."

"Fine, but if he hurts my daughter-,"

"You won't do anything." Kurt laughed, "Your scared of him to."

"Have you seen the size of that guy? Of course I'm scared on him!"

"Your all scared of him." Deanne said as her, Sally and Roxanne laughed.

"He does not!"

Sounds of Summer|Braden Higgins|Where stories live. Discover now