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"What's on the agenda for today?" Gloria asked, walking into the room.

"The kids want to go to the waterpark from last time." Sally told the older woman. "But the teens want to do something else."

"What did you guys want to do?" Kurt turned to the older kids, who were looking at each other.

"Well, uh, we kind of wanted to do something on our own. We just hadn't figured out what." Andre told his dad, "But you guys can have fun at the water park."

"No, Maisie." Becky winned, "Bean and I wanted you and Braden to take us down the big slid. We don't wanna go with daddy and others."

"What's wrong with us?" Lenny and Eric asked in sync.

"Dad," Donna held hand with Keithie, "Last time you peed in the pool. Besides, Keithie can't get in the water with his cast. I'm surprised he could walk last night with it."

"Braden did have to help me into the car." Keithe said.

"Aright, water park is out of the question. What else do you kids have?" Marcus asked.

"I did bring the paint and the giant twister game." Maisie said. "But that's still in my car."

"I'll get it." Braden told her, pecking her lips and walking out.

"I'll go help." Greg spoke, following his sisters boyfriend out the door.

"Isn't paint messy?" Nancy asked, scrunching her nose up.

"That's the point of messy twister." Maisie spoke as if she were talking to a four year old. "A little mess never hurt anyone."

"Maisie knows all about messy." Andre smirked, ruffling his best friends hair.

"Shut up." She mumbled, pouting with her arms crossed over her chest. "You need to stop being so mean to me."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Left hand, green." Greg spoke as he spun the spinner.

There were only two people left in the game, Maisie and Andre. The two of them had been cheating and helping each other win, but now it was the two of them and they were against each other.

"You stepped on my fingers!" Maisie exclaimed.

"I'm sorry! I tried to move my foot some!" Andre called back.

Maisie glared at him and before Andre knew it, he was falling to the floor.

"Maisie wins!" Greg exclaimed, helping his sister up.

Everyone was covered in paint, but Nancy since she didn't want to get dirty. According to her, it would take hours to get paint out of her hair. Braden had to grab his girlfriend and physically pull her away before she swung at her brother's girlfriend.

Everyone could tell that Maisie was getting tired of Nancy's constant complaining, or not wanting to do anything with the others.

When Maisie got angry, she got angry and you better be there to stop her or its wasn't going to be pretty.

"Alright, what's next?" Lenny asked.

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