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After singing along to a few more songs and talking about random shit for four hours straight, everyone pulled up to the lake house.

"Finally!" Andre exclaimed, "I'm about to pee my pants!"

"Okay, so the rooms are the same as last time." Lenny explained, "Kids are sharing, Marcus gets his couch and Rob and Gloria have the tree house."

"I don't want the tree house anyway." Maisie and Greg spoke in sync.

"Almost seventeen years and it's still as creepy as hearing it for the first time." Lenny muttered under his breath.


"Why are you taking turns blowing up an air mattress?" Braden asked, walking over to Maisie, Greg, and Andre, who were currently taking turns when they run out of air to blow up the air mattress.

"We're gonna take it to the lake over there and we're gonna jump from the lifegaurd stand onto it, which will send whoever's laying on it into the air and in the water." Andre answered, before he took over from Maisie.

"We did it three years ago when we came the first time." Maisie wrapped her arms around her boyfriends waist.

"I think I peed a little when I went in the air." Andre admitted, Greg taking over to blow the mattress the rest the way up. "But it's a lot of fun."


With her eyes closed, Maisie laid on the dock next to Charlotte and Donna, the three of them deciding to spend some girl time together while Greg, Braden, Nancy and Andre did their thing. The blonde hadn't wanted to join the other girls, choosing to stick to Greg like a fly of freaking fly paper.

"Do you like Nancy?" Charlotte asked Maisie as the dark haired girl turned to lay on her stomach as she tanned. "Because she seems to be a little clingy towards your twin."

"I haven't even been around her long enough to know if I like her or not." Maisie told the two girls. "But I'm gonna keep my eye on her because I don't trust her to be as sweet as she acts."

"God, I need a boyfriend." Donna sighed, shaking her head.

"Do you still have that crush on Keithie?" Maisie asked, lifting her head up just in time to see the brunette blush.

"Oooh." Charlotte laughed.

"Shut up."

"Don't worry, I've been rooting for the two of you to get together since we were here last." Maisie told her. "Plus, if I know my little brother, and I do, he likes you too."

"I doubt that." Donna frowned, "I'm too ugly to have someone like me."

"Donna, you are not ugly and don't let me hear you say that about yourself again. You don't need a boy to make you happy and if they can't see that your a wonderful person then they don't deserve to be with you." Maisie told the younger girl.

"I love you Maisie." Donna smiled at her.

"I love both of you, girls." The three hugged before pulling away. "Look, I'm not supposed to say anything but Keithie had a crush on you and he's supposed to be asking you on a date."

"Really?" Donna smiled towards her.

"Yep. And hey, if you get nervous and don't wanna go alone then ask Keithie if y'all can make it a double date. I'm sure Braden would agree to go along."

"Thank you, Maisie."

"Anything for you."

Sounds of Summer|Braden Higgins|Where stories live. Discover now