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Feder Prank Day Four

"Where did you manage to get fifteen pounds of glitter?" Nancy asked as the girls brought glitter into their room.

Maisie paused her movement, "I know a guy."

"You know a guy?" Charlotte laughed.


"Here's the glue." Greg came in behind Braden, who held the glue.

"Thanks, baby." The eldest Feder smiled at her boyfriend, leaning up to peck his lips.

"Hmm, you're welcome."

"How's this prank gonna go down?" Andre asked, closing the door behind them.

Maisie didn't speak as she walked towards the door, banging on it hard. Yells were heard before she opened the door for the Dad's to all fall to the floor.

"Wow, how did we get here?"

"This isn't KFC."

"I was looking for the bathroom."


"I was spying."


It had been two weeks and the father's were constantly looking over their shoulders for the next prank that would be played on them.

Too bad they weren't smart enough to look up.

Maisie, Braden, Greg and Andre stood on the roof of the lake house. The woman ha a front row seat, not bothering to question how the four older teens got on the roof in the first place.

Bean and Becky sat on their mother's laps, Keithie sat next to them because of his leg and it was Donna and Charlotte's jobs to get the Dads to stand on the porch.

"Is he okay?!" Lenny's voice was heard as they ran out.

Charlotte and Donna moved out of the way as Braden and Andre poured the glue onto them before the twins poured the glitter onto them.

"Where does she even get so much glitter!?" Marcus cried out.

"She knows a guy." The kids and Teens said in sync.

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