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"Maisie, what happened?" Lenny asked as she stormed into the lake house.

"Nothing, besides the fact that he brought up Kyle and Jacob." Another tear rolled down her face, "Oh, and that Braden would turn out to be just like them. And that my relationship isn't gonna last long, just like the others."

"I'm gonna kill him." Andre glared at the wall.

"No, leave him alone." Maisie said. "I'm gonna go lay down."

~ ~ ~ ~

"Where's Maisie?" Greg walking in half an hour later.

"Her and Braden laid down, they might be asleep." Lenny said, "You really need to apologize."

"I'm not apologizing for anything."

"Greg, you brought up her ex's, that's not something you do with Maise." Kurt told the boy.

"Oh well."

"You don't tell her your sorry, your own twin sister isn't gonna talk to you until you do." Eric told him.

"Good." Greg spoke with a shrug of his shoulders.

Braden walked down the stairs, running his hand over his face. Maisie followed shortly after, one of Braden's shirts and some shorts on.

As soon as his eyes landed on Greg, he grabbed him by the shirt and lifted him off his feet. Braden was angry after Maisie told him who Kyle and Jacob were and what they had done to her.

Then he was furious that Greg thought he would do the same thing. Braden might have been a tough guy and had gotten into more fights then possible, he would never lay his hands on someone that meant so much to him.

His mother had raised him right, and raised him to never lay a hand on a woman ever.

"Hey, hey." Maisie rushed over to her boyfriend and twin brother. "Braden, baby, let him go. He's not worth it, he's not worth it."

"Accuse me of ever being like them again and watch me drop your body into the Pacific Ocean for them not to find." Braden shoved him before walking outside.

Maisie gave her brother a glare before following her boyfriend outside.

~ ~ ~ ~

"You lovebirds finally up?" Charlotte teased as the two sat down.

"We didn't sleep." Maisie laid her head on Braden's shoulder. "I, uh, I told him about Kyle and Jacob, what happened."

"You told him everything?" Keithie frowned.

"Yeah, no secrets." Maisie told her little brother.

"We've decided to ignore Greg until he apologizes to you." Andre told her just as Greg and Nancy walked towards them.

"Hey guys."

None of them said anything to them and Maisie cracked a smile at that beause they really didn't need to.

"Maisie!" Sally called from the door. "Will you come here, please?"

The dark haired girl stood up and walked towards her.

"What's up, Sally?"

"Bean has a soar throat. Would you please run to a store and buy some medicine for him?"

"Of course." Maisie smiled, walking inside to grab her car keys. "Anyone of you need anything why I'm there?" Everyone started shouting what they needed or wanted and it confused her, "Just text it to me!" She exclaimed, walking back outside. "Braden, ride with me to the store? I need to get Bean something for a soar throat."

"Yeah." He stood up and walked towards her. "I'm driving."

"Oh! I wanna go!" Andre jumped up.

"Us too!" Donna and Charlotte jumped up, following the three.

"Keithie, you coming?" Braden asked the boy on crutches.

"Yeah. I'm just gonna need some help."

Braden helped him up and towards the car.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Why did we nee three buggies?" Keithie asked as Maisie, Donna and Charlotte pushed one each.

"Because one is carrying your big ass." Maisie grunted, pushing the buggie with her injured brother. "And the other two is for things I thing we could use for the fire we're having tonight."

"Ohhh, we should make s'mores." Donna grinned. "Mais and I love those things."

"We can reenact the Sandlot scene!" Massive exclaimed just ask excited and the two girls hi-fived.

"Three years and the two of you still cant stop obsessing over that movie." Andre laughed.

"Benny's hot." Donna shrugged. "I'd dump Keithie for him."

"Hey!" The boy in the cart exclaimed.

"Really?" Maudie raises an eyebrow at the younger girl, "Becuase if I was gonna sumo Braden for some celebrity that's 10 years older than I am, I'd go for Chad Michael Murray."

"What?" Braden asked.

"Hey, the man is sexy." Maisie shrugged. "Anyway!" She clapped her hands together which almost make the buggy that her baby brother was in, hit an older lady but she caught it in time. "Sorry!"

"You're terrible!" Keithie laughed at his older sister.

"Shut it, mouth breather." She hissed, fighting back a smile.

Even when her and Greg were fighting, Maisie knew that she had Keithie by her side.

Sounds of Summer|Braden Higgins|Where stories live. Discover now