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"Do you ever go home?" Lenny asked his daughters boyfriend as he walked into the kitchen, finding Braden sitting at the table along with Becky and Kethie.


"I didn't think so." Lenny mumbled, "Maisie! I thought about what you said. About living out in the pool house."

"Well, can I?" Maisie looked up from where she was helping Becky on her homework.

"Of course. But on one condition." Lenny said, turning his head to look at Braden who was helping Keithie with him math homework, "I never find him there."

"He'll always be over."

"Fine, but he can't sleep over."

"He does that already."


"Yeah, mom let's him." Maisie shrugged her shoulders as if it were no big deal.

"Roxanne!" Lenny called out to his wife, who only had a few more months left in her pregnancy, and watched as she waddled her way into the kitchen.

"What is the matter? Lenny, please tell me you didn't catch nothing on fire again." Roxane huffed, hands laid on her bulging belly.

"Have you been letting our daughters boyfriend stay here during the nights?" Lenny asked his wife.

"Yes." Roxanne answered with a nod of her head. "I trust them."

"So, since you agreed to letting me get the pool house, can I do a little work on it?" Maisie questioned.

"How little?" Lenny raised an eyebrow at his daughter.

"Well, I wanna take out all the pool stuff. Turn the front part into the living room, there's a bedroom upstairs that I want to paint a redecorate, make it homey."

"Wait," Greg rushed into the kitchen with Andre and Nancy behind him, "Maisie is getting the pool house?"

"I told he-"

"Why does she get the pool house?!"

"Because we trust her more." Lenny told him.

"And she does not do stupid shit unlike you and your buddy over there." Roxanne pointed towards Andre. "Maisie gets the pool house. End of discussion."


"Please!" Maisie shouted as she latched onto Braden's waist as he laid on her bed, hiding a smile on his face from his girlfriend. "I don't want to go shopping with Dad alone. I want you to come with me so I'm not bored and with Dad and the other dads including yours."

"Shopping really isn't my-"


Braden let out a loud laugh, kissing the top of her head, "Of course I'll with you. What are we going for?" He asked.

"Uh, paint, furniture, a few pictures to make it feel more me." She told him. "I just don't want to too much going into the pool house. I mean, who knows how long I'll actually be staying in the little house in my parents backyard. But I definitely want something that I don't want to change for a while."


"What color are you thinking?" Braden asked, wrapping his arms around his girlfriends waist as she looked at paint swatches in the store, an aisle down from where their fathers where playing around.

"I want a light color, but I don't want too light. So, I was thinking a blue color or like a yellow." Maisie held up too different swatches. "What do you think?"

"Hmm, I like the blue color." Braden told her just as the sound of something crashing to the floor and breaking filled their ears.

"Go, go." Eric's voice filled their ears as they quickly walked by, "We didn't do it. A bear came out of nowhere and pushed that big glass sculpture of Madonna."

"Super big." Marcus held his hands out as he was the next one to walk by, "Like super big."

"Just came out of nowhere." Kurt shoved Marcus to go a little fast.

"Super big. Maisie, honey, lets go."

"This is why you can't take them anywhere with you." Maisie let out a sigh, dragging her boyfriend after their fathers and their two friends.


"How was shopping?" Roxanne asked her daughter as they all walked into the house.

"Terrible." Maisie said, tugging Braden towards the stairs, "Next time, I'm going with just Braden."

"Where are you going?!" Lenny called out.

"To sleep!" Maisie called back.


"I want the bed against the window." Maisie instructed as everyone was helping move the furniture back into the pool house after a few weeks of redoing the inside for Maisie and Braden, when he stays over, to live in. "And the dresser on that wall."

"What about the bookshelf?" Greg asked as him and Braden carried it in.

"Um, put it over there." Maisie pointed to the opposite walls from where she wanted her dresser to go.

"Are you sure you want to live out in the pool house?" Lenny asked his daughter.

"Yes, Dad." Maisie rolled her eyes, "You've asked me for a week and I've been telling you the same answer. Besides, if I get too scared then I'll have Braden to protect me."

Braden gave Lenny a smirk as he wrapped his arm around Maisie's shoulders, pulling her into his side and kissing the side of her head.

"Yeah." Lenny glared at the buffed boy his daughter was dating.

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