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"You guys wanna be apart of Feder Twin Prank?" Greg asked as him and Maisie walked outside dressed, his twin sister swinging her keys around her middle finger.

"Will it make the pranks on us less painful?" Andre looked up at his two best friends.

"Maybe." Maisie shrugged.

"Alright, what are we doing?" Charlotte asked, standing up from the grass.

"Well first, we have to go to the store and get a bunch of stuff." Greg said. "Becky, Bean, you know your parts in this?"

"Keep the adults detracted." The younger kids spoke in sync, running off.

"Keithie, since your leg is broke you're gonna stay here and make sure they don't tell them why we left." Greg told Keithie, who nodded and made his way inside.

"The rest of us are going to get the stuff." Maisie said, tugging Braden towards her car.

"You're gonna prank me to aren't you?" Braden asked, looking over at his girlfriend.



"Okay, we need a couple air horns, saran wrap, post-it-notes, water balloons, tape and plastic cups." Greg read off the list him and Maisie had sat down and wrote the night before.

"And who are those pranks going on?" Charlotte asked.

"The Dads." The twins spoke in sync.

"We never prank the moms, and this year the girls are being left out, especially after Donna was rushed to the ER after she swallowed the fake grapes." Greg said.

"They looked so real!" Donna exclaimed. "I haven't been able to look at grapes the same ever since."


It was currently two in the morning and the teens were standing outside in the freezing cold, Maisie curled up to Braden.

"Alright. Charlotte, Donna, Nancy and I get the cars. We're gonna post-it-note Kurt's and Saran Wrap Rob's." Greg explained. "Maisie, Braden, Kiethie and Andre are gonna take the cups and water balloons to fill the inside of the cabin."

"What about the water balloons?" Nancy asked.

"The water balloons are for us to throw once they wake up." Maisie told her. "We got five hours to get this done, so let's get started."


Lenny walked down the stairs, stopping as his eyes adjusted to the light.

Plastic cups were everywhere, filled with water on the cabin floor.

"Oh, I hate Twin Pranks!" Lenny exclaimed just as the others walked down, Marcus waking up on the couch.

"Oh no." Marcus looked mortified, "If it's Twin pranks that means Maisie's getting me back finally for eating her last cookie!"

"How are we supposed to get out of this?" Sally asked.

"There's only one way." Eric says, "We gotta drink the water."


"Now I need to pee." Kurt whined after the last cup of water was finally empty.

" My car!" Rob exclaimed from outside, and the adults rushed out there door, finding the vehicles, but Maisie's covered. "This is your fault for having twins!"

"I didn't know I could control his my little swimmers worked!" Lenny exclaimed.


Turning, they found Marcus soaking wet and the teens standing with smirks.

"I got water ballooned!" He cried. "You kids are evil, evil I tell you!"

"We're just getting started." Maisie smirked, throwing another water ballon.

Sounds of Summer|Braden Higgins|Where stories live. Discover now