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The teens raced down the hallway of the hospital where the adults, minus Roxanne and Lenny, sat.

"So? What's going on?" Greg asked.

"Shouldn't be too long now." Kurt told them just as a doctor came out.

"Family of Roxanne Feder?"

"That's us." Maisie raised her hand up.

"Great." The Doctor smiled, "You guys follow me."

The large group followed behind him and into the hospital room where Roxanne and Lenny smiled at them.

"Hey, guys." Lenny smiled, "Meet Anthony Feder.

"It's a boy?" Becky huffed m, crossing her arms with a pout. "I wanted a little sister."

"Glad I moved into the pool house." Maisie said, "Now I won't have to have a turn when he wakes up."

"Anyone want to hold him?" Roxanne asked, looking at her three children.

"I will." Maisie said after a moment of silence, "You big babies."

The blue haired girl took the small baby from her mother's arms, holding him close to her chest as Braden stood behind her, hands on his hips as he looked down at the baby also.

"Hey, Anthony." Maisie whispered down at the sleeping baby.

Lenny and Roxanne smiled at their eldest child.

"I'm your cooler, older sister." Maisie kept whispering, "And I'll give you the best piece of advice I can so that you'll survive this family once your older; don't listen to our father. He's always wrong."

"Hey!" Lenny exclaimed as everybody laughed, "I'm not that bad!"

"Yes, you are."

"So, how long are you gonna be in here for?" Greg asked his parents.

"Two days." Roxanne told him, "And that means Maisie is in charge."

"Why is she in charge?" Greg looked at his Mom in shock.

"The last time we left you in charge was when we first moved back and Maisie was still going to school in LA. Your mother and I went on a triple date with Deanna, Kurt, Eric and Sally, leaving you and Andre in charge of Becky, Bean, Charlotte and Donna." Lenny said.

"And?" Greg and Andre asked in sync with offended looks on their faces.

"Becky and Bean were
across the street, playing with the neighbors hairless cat." Sally says.

"Charlotte and Donna were attacked by bees." Deanne said.

"And Keithie was sitting on the roof eating a large can of chocolate pudding." Roxanne said.

"They asked!"

"They were eating honey in the back yard!"

"He was talking to Maisie!"

The adults gave them looks.

"Yeah. Okay."


"What do you guys want for dinner?" Maisie asked her brothers and sister and her and Braden walked inside. "I can make something, or order pizza."

"Pizza." The four siblings said together after a few moments of just staring at each other.

"This is such a weird ass family." Braden mumbled to himself as they left, going to stand between Maisie's legs since she was now sitting on the kitchen counter with the phone pressed to her ear.

"Two large pepperoni and one large cheese pizza." Maisie ordered. "Oh, and add a large order of bread sticks. Yep. That's all. Thank you."

"Hi." Braden grinned, leaning his forehead on hers.

"Hi." She giggled, putting her hands on the sides of his face to pull his lips down to hers. "Hmm, I love you. Even if you did get suspended today."

"I love you, too."

Maisie bit her lip as she played with the hairs in the back of his neck, "Sooo, I've been thinking."

"Uh, oh. That's never good." Braden laughed, catching her hands as she tried to punch his chest. "I'm just messing with you, baby. Thinking about what?"

"That....You should move into the Pool house with me." Maisie told him, "I mean, you practically already live in there with me since you never go home. Why not make it more official?" She shrugged.

Braden let out a laugh, "You sure your dad is gonna let you do that?"

"Dad's scared of you." Maisie giggled, "I think you'll be fine."

"Then I guess we're moving into the pool house together."


"Pizza's here!" Maisie called out, shutting the door in the pizza delivery boy's face after he tried flirting with her.

"What movie are we watching this time?" Keithie carried plates into the living room, Greg behind him with drinks.

"Let's watch Cinderella!" Becky exclaimed.


"We're watching Remember The Titans." Maisie put the movie in before sitting next to Braden on the couch.


"We're home!" Roxanne called, walking into the house with Anthony in her arms.

"Kitchen!" Greg called out.

The two adults walked in to find all the kids sitting down and eating.

"So, how'd the two days without us go?" Lenny asked, looking at at everyone.



"I got a whole lot more sleep."

"Braden moved his stuff into the pool house."

Lenny's eyes got wide, "What?!"

Sounds of Summer|Braden Higgins|Where stories live. Discover now