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"Margaret, Maisie, Margo, Skye." Andre stood outside the opened bathroom door where Maisie was straightening her hair. "Please. I've tried, I mean, two days ago I tried hitting on a girl only to get ice cream thrown in my face! And not in a cup kind of ice cream! I'm talking about Ice Cream in a fucking cone!"

"Andre, even if I were to try and find you a girlfriend, I don't know anything about what you like in a girl and what you don't." Maisie finished her hair, turning the flatiron off. "And it's not gonna be a quick fix up. It takes time."

"I don't have time! I don't want to have to be a fifth wheel when I hang out with you, Braden, Greg and Nancy. Hell, Keithie and Donna are in a relationship!"

Maisie huffed, "Alright. I many know somebody."


"Let me make a phone call." Maisie sighed.

"Oh, thank you!" Andre exclaimed, picking her up and spinning her around.

"Hey! Hands off my ass!" Maisie exclaimed.

Andre quickly dropped her as Braden came out do their shared bedroom, throwing his arms into the air, "I didn't mean to!"


"So, let me get this straight." Cassidy Miller, a friend of Maisie's from chemistry class, spoke as the two sat down for lunch in a small car. "You want me to go on a blind date with you and your twin brothers best friend because your friend is desperate to not be a fifth wheel when y'all hang out with your boyfriend and Gregs' girlfriend?"

"Yeah, that about sums it up." Maisie nodded her head.

Cassie shrugged her shoulders, "Okay. When's the date?"


"What is I mess this up?" Andre asked as the girls got him ready for his date.

"You're not gonna mess this up." Charlotte reassured her older brother.

"Just don't say anything stupid." Donna told him, handing Maisie a shirt.

Andre's eyes got wide, "Stupid shit comes out of my mouth all the time!"

"Look, Andre, you're a great guy and a Cassie is going to love you. Just be yourself. And not the Andre you were pretending to be in the mirror in Greg's bathroom."

"You heard that?!"

"Oh, honey." Deanne poked her head into the room, "Everyone coming upstairs heard it."



"Got any fives?" Greg asked as the kids sat in the kitchen of the Feder house, the adults outside and Baby Anthony upstairs in his nursery, while Bean, Becky and Ronnie sat in the living room watching a movie on the TV.

"Go Fish." Donna smirked as Greg groaned, pulling a card from the pile on the middle of the table.

"Dude, how are you so bad at Go Fish?" Braden asked as the doorbell went off.

"I'll get it." Maisie stood up, sitting her cards on the table. "Don't cheat!"

"Oh, Nancy!"

Maisie laughed, pulling the door open, only to stare at the person in shock.

"Maisie! Who was at the door?!" Greg called out to his twin sister after a few minutes of her not coming back to play. "Maisie."

"Hi, Maisie." The other smiled softly, "Can we talk?"


Sounds of Summer|Braden Higgins|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt