Chapter One: Lost

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Chapter One: Lost

Wrong, everything was wrong...

She felt it, not just in the air, but deep inside her she knew somehting was very wrong. Her parents knew it too, the worked quickly, methodically. Never really pausing, slowly they dismantled their home until nothing could say that's what it was.

It wasn't much, living in the slums of Coruscant wasn't the prettiest, or easiest things, but still Sheema and her parents had managed to make the best for the last seven years.

Quietly Sheema made her way to the small rickety cot she called hers. Watching her parents closely she saw her father moving a few containers outside, and then whisper something to her mother.

She looked back at the silent child on the bed, regret passing arcoss her face, she then turned and nodded to her husband. He quickly crossed the room, placed a kiss on Sheema's head and rushed out the door.

All at once Sheema knew what was going on, she thought she could even hear her mother's nervous thoughts as she walked towards her.

"Momma don't go! Please! Take me with you!" The little girl clung to her mother's arm.

"Shh, Sheema I can't. You know this, Papa and I have to go or we'll be killed." Somehow, in all this chaos her mother managed to stay calm, How? How could she do that when the world was falling apart at the seams?

Sheema mentally shook her head, she never knew. Not yet at least.

Momma got down so she was eye level with Sheema. She held out a small object cupped in the palm of her hand.

"Listen baby girl, I'm giving this to you for safe keeping. Ok?" Sheema looked over the item with great interest. It was necklace with a turquoise blue charm. It was intricately carved, but it had a steep edge, like it was cut in half.

"Momma? What is it? And why was it cut in half? Better yet, why are you giving it to me?" She asked, shaking her head in confusion.

The mother let out a sigh. Sitting down in a rocker close to the cot.

"Come sit on my lap." She pulled up the little girl and began to explain the charm and why it was so special.

"I was married once before your daddy. He was a good man. We had a baby, a baby boy...." She began, her eyes going distant with memories.

"I have a brother?!" Sheema asked excitedly, twisting around in her mother's arms.

Momma quickly shut that down, a worried look on her face.

"No, Sheema. Not anymore. You see, people came and took Obi from us. He doesn't even know our names. Obi has the other half of this charm. If either one of you should get in big trouble and need help, you'll know where to find each other. Ok Sheema?" She asked, her eyes anxiously searching her daughters.

Sheema nodded her head sulkenly, her second of happines beging crushed.

"Momma?" She asked jesitently as her mother got up and made her way to the door.

"Yes baby girl?" She asked, her voice choked, as though holding back tears.

The little girl scrunched up her nose, trying to find the right way to ask before her mother got to the door.

"Who took Obi from you?" Her mother had one foot out of the door when the words hit home. She glanced over her shoulder at her daughter only to answer.

"The Jedi did. Goodbye Sheema." SHe answered, almost in a whisper, her eyes glistening, as she looked back one more time.

"Bye bye, Momma." The little girl whispered, somehow knowing she couldn't run after Momma, part of her little heart hoped they would be back. That they would return and Pappa would scoop her up in his arms and throw her into the air.

But a large part of her knew, deep inside, she was alone.

She sat on her cot, and cried soundlessly, while outside the world seemed to continue on it's usual sprial. She would wait, a little while at least. Then she would have to start living for herself.

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