Chapter Twenty: Bound Love

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Chapter Twenty: Bound Love

Ever since Kenta and Sheema had realized their bond, they were in almost constant contact. Not just always together, but they were often in mental contact as well. 

It went almost without saying that they were together now, Sheema had heard the tales of Off-Worlds who did marry Corellians, but Kenta seemed to show no such hesitation. Once they had each admitted their bond Kenta had ordered Sheema to stop working, he had been brought up as a child in a certain way, and as long as he could support them, he would do the work. 

While it was almost an unspoken agreement that they would be together, Sheema felt part was missing. He had never actually asked her to be with him, it wasn't that she minded, well a little yes, but she wanted to hear him say that he loved her despite their bond. Because she loved him...

She shook the thoughts from her mind, at the moment she was watching Laeta, his father had left this morning without saying why, though Sheema knew he was doing something important.  Laeta was also force sensitive, she could feel his potential power. 

Secretly she hoped Kenta wouldn't train him too fast, or better yet not at all, she didn't want Laeta to have  the same fate as poor Cai. 

Her head shot up as she sensed Kenta coming along the path, it was so strange to be able to sense another so clearly, yet at the same time it was natural.

He entered the house and looked around it always gave him a sense of pleasure to come home and find a kind face looking up at him. At the moment Sheema was holding Laeta, he had fallen asleep while looking at a data pad on her lap. 

"Hello." He said, his tone low to avoid waking the boy.

"Hi." Sheema replied, her own voice held in a whisper. She sensed the Kenta was excited, but also nervous about something

"Here, I'll put him in his room." Kenta offered, scooping Laeta up before Sheema could say otherwise.  When he came back he still had the sense around him, thought he hid it well. 

"Come with me, I need to ask you something." He explained, Sheema noticed his voice was tense, but nonetheless nodded her head and followed him out of the house. They didn't go far, they ended up walking though the town, Kenta led the way until they were near one of the more selcuded fountains. 

SHeema looked around, she could sense his rising anticipation and also hesitance. Finally he indicated for her to sit on one of the low benches. For a moment they just sat, listening to the trickle of the water. 

Kenta suddenly cleared his throat, and turned to face Sheema. 

"Sheema, we're force bound, I know that. But I also want you to know something...From the first time I saw you. you came across as someone different. Something about you connected, with what I always hoped for... What I'm trying  to say is, Sheema, I love you." He flushed slightly after saying that, and gently picked up her hand, and put a ring gently on her finger. 

"Sheema, will you marry me?" He asked, his eyes hopeful and gentle at the same time. For a long moment Sheema didn't speak, though he could see tears welling in her eyes.

"The force found us, and forever the force shall bind us." She said quietly, repeating the age old words that went with the instruction of force bonds. 

Kenta smiled, knowing the answer as a yes, Sheema returned the smile, and gently he leaned froward to kiss her. All he knew was that he'd never felt so sure about anything before...

They married a few days later, after Kenta had produced some saved funds for a private service and rings. It was very simple, they each wore their daily clothes, and the only people in attendance was a slightly confused Laeta, and the priest, who married them quickly.

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