Chapter Fifteen: Changed Plans

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Chapter Fifteen: Changed Plans

Once Sheema came to terms with what had happened, she joined Electra in hunting for Obi-Wan. In the end it turned into more of a whose sense could find him first. Sheema was following the shadowy sense of danger, that she still didn't completely understand, while Electra was searching for his actual mark on the force. 

Finally it led the two towards one of the many water filled sink holes that dotted the ground, Sheema was the one that spotted him first, floating on his back in one of the pools, apparently unconscious. 

Sheema darted forwards and rushed to the edge of the pool, she dug her feet into the edge, and grabbed a hold of his legs. Pulling him back to shore, she worked frantically to get him up the bank. 

From the looks of it he hit his head when he fell, his pule was still there, but Sheema ripped his outer tunic opened to check for any injuries. She only got so far before something froze her hands....

It was laying against his chest, the same color, and design mirrored on Sheema's own piece... Slowly she pulled her own necklace off her neck, taking the charm in her shaking hands she gently brought it up against his, and held her breath.

They came together seamlessly, making the full picture of what Sheema guessed was Obi's father's family crest.

She had found her brother...

For a moment she was still, realizing the man lying before her had once been held by her mother...

Her thoughts were broken by Electra rushing up to her.

"Is he alright?"  She asked, panting from running the last few feet. Quickly Sheema covered her own charm in her hand, and shoved it in her tunic pocket. 

"His pulse is there, but I can't get him to wake up." Electra scoffed quietly, upon realizing Obi-Wan wasn't in death-like danger she returned to her controlled self. 

Putting her hand just a little above his chest, and let loos a small volley of purple fire. Obi's body jumped, and he sat up at the same time, letting out a short yell. 

For a moment his eyes looked scared, and unfocused, slowly realization about who was kneeling next to him. 

"Lima! What in the name of... Padawan Canva!"  He exclaimed, first looking at Electra, then his eyes traveling to Sheema. 

"Can you walk? We've got to get out of here and find out what's going on." Electra cut him off, looking up at the sky with anxious eyes. 

In response Obi-Wan began to get up, Sheema supporting him on the one side. He got up gingerly, outting one hand on the back of his head.

Suddenly one of the native creatures came bounding down from the rocks, squawking happily at the sight of Obi-Wan. Electra instantly brought up her lightsaber, but Obi reached over and gently pushed the hilt so the blade was pointing at the ground.

"Its all right Lima, he's my own friend left on this planet." Obi-Wan explained with a short smile on his face. 

The creature stopped just a few feet away, licking Obi-Wan's face, as he reached up to pat it's head. 

"Alright Lima, up you go!" He called, making a small seat with his hands so that she could make the high step up. She hesitated for a moment, but seeing the animal was obviously trained for this, she allowed herself to step on, Sheema jumped up just behind her, and Obi-Wan took the reins. 

"I'm going to borrow a ship so I can see if anyone else survived, you girls should take whichever of your ships are fastest and get back to Coruscant." Obi-Wan instructed them, maneuvering the creature through the smoothest area to avoid too much jarring for Electra's sake. 

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