Chapter Nine: First Trial

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Chapter Nine: First Trial

"You lookin' for me?" Diern Valsho repeated, trying to disern what type of face was under the hood. Shhema decided it was better to go for the mysterious and brroding act at the moment, so she merely nodded her head, and indicated the chair across from her.

The man looked around suspiciously, alert for a trap. He half expected to see tje other patrons cleared out if thre room, and the bartender hiding behind the counter. Instead he saw everyone more or less in the same position as when he came in.

Somewhat satisfied he finally sat down, still trying to get a clear look at the Sheema's face. Inwardly Sheema smiled for herself, she had angled the hood so that only her mouth and nose were visible, her eyes were still hidden in the shadow.

"What'dya want" He demanded, getting impatient.

"Your head..." She said simply, her tone dead serious. Valsho was visibly shaken by the no nonsense tone. He quickly tried to cover it with belligerence.

"Where'd you get that Idea huh?" He demanded, leaning over to get close in her face.

"I got the idea when you started slaughtering civilians and Jedi." She stated, her tone icy, she just noticed the thick rope hanig from his belt, only it wasnt a rope, they were all cut Padawan braids, all various lengths.

It sickened Sheema to her very core. And she struggled to keep the irrational rage of anger under control.

At her words Valsho leaned back and gave her a truly sickening smile. In that moment she felt the pure evil and madness pour off his body, this was not something that could be turned around.

"So you don't like what I do? Well it'll be a long, long time before I stop. And not you, not anyone is going to stop me." He sneered, as he was speaking Sheema's danger sensed flared, at the same time he brought up his pistol as she brought out her lightsaber.

She easily deflected the shot, and sliced the blaster in half. Before he could react again Sheema brought the hilt of her lightsaber against her chest the blade pointing straight at Valsho's chest, there was a seconds pause and she pushed the blade forward.

"That was for all the lives you stole, now your reign of terror is over, Bounty Hunter." She whispered through gritted teeth, just loud enough for Valsho to hear as his eyes went big with the impact.

She retracted the blade, breathing hard even though she had hardly moved.

Behind her she heard scattered cheers and applause.

Turning she saw what customers hadn't fled we're praising her. She glanced at the bartender, noting the look of relief on his face.

"Can you take care of this?" She asked, he quickly nodded his head.

"Thank you Master Jedi." He said gratefully, Sheema nodded her head and stooped down to where the body had slumped. She pulled the rope off his belt and left the motel.

Sheema walked, not really in any particular direction, she only wanted to find a clear area away from the populous.

It took a little traveling but she finally found a rather secluded area. Carefully she placed the bundle against a small wall, she touched the bottom with her lightsaber, setting it on fire.

She got to her knees, tears in her eyes even though she had never met any others like herself.

"I am sorry you never got the chance to become whole." She said softly, bowing her head towards the burning bundle.

Once it had burned through Sheema got to her feet, she knew what was next, she would return to her ship. And Master Lielron would send her some where else, and she would be one step closer to coming home...

Short chapter but I really couldn't think of much else to add to her first mission.

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