Chapter Seventeen: Ripped apart again

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Chapter Seventeen:

Sheema now a had purpose, for the last four years she had been dividing her time up between working odd jobs, training Cai, and looking for Obi-Wan.

If he could ever be found...

He was like a ghost, people had heard of him, or had seen him, but the never knew where he was, or where he came from.

But she found pleasure in training Cai, he was smart, receptive, funny, and powerful. Sheema wondered if his parents were Jedi that escaped the Purge, he was the correct age...

Sheema shook her head, she had been off of Tatooine for almost a month, she had been chasing a bounty hunter that had been terrorizing a small moon just outside the system. Now she was going home, or as much as she could call it for now, Cai's birthday would be soon and she and she was going to surprise him with a present she had bought him.

Landing in her usual area she practically ran to the orphanage, and as usual Cai was playing outside, this time with a young blonde haired boy.

Cai caight sight of her coming towards them, and shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Sheema!" He yelled running towards her and nearly knocking her down with the force of his impact.

"I'm back Cai, and just in time for your birthday!" She replied happily, no her life wasn't the way she wanted it. But this was a close second.

"You were gone forever Sheema!" Cai complained, leading her over towards his young friend.

"This is Luke, he lives out on the desert, his family runs a moisture farm!" Cai explained excitedly, Luke glanced up at her and grinned, revealing a empty space where there was once a front tooth.

"You see that?" Cai asked, pointing to the space. Sheema nodded her head, figuring that there was a story behind it.

"I punched it out for him!" He explained proudly, putting a friendly arm around Luke's shoulder, while Luke copied his actions.

At first Sheema couldn't help but smile, then she quickly control ed herself, and gave Cai a firm look.

"Cai, what have I told you about violence?" She asked, crossing her arms on her chest, for a moment he looked almost guilty. But then it quickly brightened, as he happened across an idea.

"But it wouldn't come out, he need help! And you say we're made to help others!" He reminded her, flashing his iconic iinnocent smirk, if that were even possible.

Sheema sighed and rolled her eyes, Cai was smart, and if she made a mistake he would be sure to call her on it.

The two went back to their game only to have an older woman call Luke away from his came, he scampered off and took the woman's hand, with a final wave to Cai he walked away.

Cai watched him walk off for a moment, a peculiar look on his face, then he turned to Sheema and grabbed her hand, pulling her off in another direction.

"Come on Sheema, lets go." He said, pulling her around to the back to the building, where they could be alone.

Sheema sensed he was upset about something so she decided I find out what.

"Does Luke come by to play often?" She asked, proving for the center of his distress.

Cai nodded his small head, though he had a slight frown on his face.

"Yeah, but he always had to run off with his Aunt before we can have any real fun." He complained, his lip jutting out slightly.

"Remember Cai, Luke had responsibilities to his family too. Family first, always." Sheema told him, her voice serious and earnest.

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