Chapter Two: Stowaway

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Chapter Two: Stowaway

 "Get back here you little brat!" A voice bellowed through the crowds of the Coruscant marketplace. Sheema laughed, and put on some speed, there was no way the stall manager would catch her. Besides being a rather portly fellow he would never leave his stall unattended just to run after a little wench of a girl. 

Dodging through the never ending stream of people Sheema skidded around the corner and disappeared into an alleyway.  Glancing behind her she saw she was not being pursued. Happily she reached under her tattered tunic and pulled out her bounty...

It wasn't much, but some fruit and bread was better than her usual fare of scraps. Sitting down against the slimy wall she tore into the bread., 

As she chewed she thought of her life so far, it had been two years since her parents had disappeared, leaving abandoned in the slums of Coruscant. Since then she'd managed on her own, no she wasn't living, but she was managing. 

She rarely spoke with others, grownups usually regarded her with disgust, or greedy ideas of their own. 

The children of the underworld were just as ruthless, they had their gangs, and territories, and were fiercely territorial of them.  Therefore Sheema was a loner, keeping to herself, and living for herself alone...

Well that wasn't completely true, idly she touched the necklace hanging off her neck.  Every now and then, she would run across a respectable looking person, and she would ask if they had heard of a boy among the Jedi called Obi.  Always the answer was no, sometimes the person would ask too many nosy questions, and Sheema would just run off, leaving the person more puzzled than before. 

She didn;t know why she kept asking, she just held onto the idea that she wasn't truly alone, that there was someone else out there that had once been held by her mother.

She had several chances to stowaway and leave Coruscant, but here is where the Jedi Temple was, and until she found her brother, she wasn't going anywhere.

Finishing her meager meal she got up, and decided to mingle with the late-night crowds before finding a place to sleep for the night.  

Dodging through the legs of grownups, she managed not to be kicked as she wove her way towards the nightclubs. 

Suddenly she felt something, no two somethings, they were dark, heavy. Seeming to lodge in the pit of her stomach, and lay there, it was almost like danger. But yet it wasn't, she had felt danger from various thieves and pickpockets, this was something much more powerful. 

Frowning she turned around, trying to judge where the sensation was coming from, finally she figured that the two feelings were standing off to the side, out of the busy thoroughfare.

Cautiously she made her way towards the feelings, finally the crowd thinned enough that she could see what they finally where...

The deepest sense seemed to be coming from the tall figure on the left, it was a man with a dark cloak thrown across his shoulders, His face was hidden by a hood, leaving only his mouth visible. 

From what Sheema could see, and sense it was an older, man, with white hair and a beard.,  Despite his hair Sheema couldn't help by think of the man as black, he just seemed so dark. Even the lights he stood under seemed to dim around him. 

Sheema turned her attention to the other figure, this one was shorter than the man, and her hood was thrown back, revealing a pretty young woman. 

Her long blonde hair was pulled into a braid, with a few strands just framing her face. 

Despite her looks, her aura was confused, almost as though she was filled with too many differning ideas,her eyes seemed to dance with deep awareness, even though her face was completely expressionless. 

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