Chapter Four: A New Life

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Chapter Four: A New Life

 Slowly the world came back to Sheema, she cracked open her eyes to find herself in one of the large trees of Endor. 

Groaning the slowly sat up, while her whole body ached, but she didn't think she had any permanent damage. Gingerly her hand crept up to her neck, she grimaced as she felt the sting of raw skin. slowly she traced the three individual scars down her left ear, across her throat, and stopping just at her right shoulder. 

Vaguely she remembered the force lightning striking her in the ship, because she was concentrating so hard on crashing the ship, she had no idea who had unleashed the bolts at her. Of course she guessed it was Dooku, obviously he had tried to stop her. 

Glancing around her it became obvious that he had also failed. Carefully she stood up, and made her way to the trunk of the tree. She shimmied down, once she reached the bottom she was glad to see that there was no sign of Dooku, or his solar sailor. 

A wave of relief swept through the little girl, she was free again!

But where? 

Glancing around she tried to get her bearings, she never caught the planet's name! For all she knew this could be that Sith Lords home world!

Trying not to panic her eyes darted around, she couldn't see any buildings, or air speeders, anything to speak of civilization.  She began to walk around, that's when she noticed there was no sign of any roads, or paths, just small game trails of animals.

Finally she just decided to start walking, either she would come upon people or she wouldn't either way she could adapt, she always did...

Almost six months later she still hadn't run into anyone, well, unless you counted the fuzzballs that basically could be found all over.

Nowadays Sheema roamed all over the planet, going wherever she pleased, it wasn't long before she befriended the fuzzy aliens, and working together they made themselves understood. 

Everyday she woke up with the sun, she had been given a spear, and a bow as gifts, gathered up her few things and began walking. 

When the sun began to sink she would begin searching for the telltale signs of the Fuzzes, that is what she had named them, tree villages.  Upon finding one she would climb up, after being welcomed by the tribe, she would seat herself among them, and offer whatever she had caught that day as a gift. 

It was a simple life, much more pleasant then running through the alleyways of Coruscant, she found herself thinking less, and less about her old life, more particularly her brother. There was much here to occupy her time instead of wishing for a different path. 

She did often wonder about the Jedi though, by this time she had come to the conclusion that Electra must have been a Jedi on a very serious mission. 

She wondered how they were different than the so called Sith, she could feel the difference, she just wished there was someone to explain it to her. 

She did grow in her powers though, she loved to manipulate things on her long walks, her favorite trick was to cause water to take shapes in the air. 

Sometimes she used it to help her alien friends, she would use her strength to lift great trees from the ground and up to the village platform, saving the little creatures much time and effort. 

More months slipped by, and the girl  grew, often she wished for another being to talk to her, at least one that she could fully understand. 

At times when she was lonely the now eleven year old would find a quiet place to sit and play the small mouth instrument the Fuzzes had given her.

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