Chapter Ten: Second Trial

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Chapter Ten: Second Trial.

Sheema shifted uncomfortably in her seat, she had been stuck on this ship for two days, and it would still be several hours before the reached the planet Ryloth. She had contacted Master Lieleon as soon as she had got back to her ship, almost instantly her master had another mission ready.

She was to go to the planet Ryloth, there in the Northern City she would go and rescue several human hostages that were being held by an extremist group of natives.

According to the report Lieleon had access too, the Jedi had been called in for assistance but with the war raging so hotly in other areas there was no one to spare at the moment.

Sheema partially wondered if it wouldn't have been better if her master had come along for this one. Certainly the captures would have a more open ear to a Jedi of their own species... Then again perhaps sending a girl who had be trained by a twi'lek, and was practically adopted by one it would make a better statement about coexistence.

Sheema sighed, as a Jedi she was able to see both sides of an argument, and at the moment it wasn't being particularly helpful.

She decided to meditate the rest of the way, as she did so she felt as though a sense was calling to her from the planet... As though the sense was asking for help, and only she could hear it...

Sheema snapped out of her trace as an alarm began to go off, apparently she had spent the last few hours trying to track down the mysterious presence. Looking around she saw the time was just about up for her hyperscae jump. Reaching over she gently pushed the levers back into place,

The planet appeared in front of her, relieved that she would finally be able to get out of this bucket, Sheema set the landing cycle for the public docks and hurried to grab her cloak out of the locker...

"If I go on many more of these missions I'm going to by a droid to fly the ship, and hardwire a dejark player into the computer system.: She thought to herself as the exited the ramp, breathing her first fresh air in almost three days.

Stepping out on Ryloth was a welcome relief after Mandalore, here there was vegetation, and life, all mixed in with the populous.

As Sheema walked through the crowded streets she heard many whispering about the kidnappings, she was relieved to find that almost all the people were shocked, having no real issues with the few other species that had settled on their planet.

Master Lieleon had told her she could go straight out to the sight, the extremists were holed up in a cave on the side of a cliff, and the regular Republic militia had sanctioned off the base of the cliff. But her status as a Jedi would cause the gates to be lifted for her.

Confidently she set out, from what she researched these extremists were not as ruthless, and disgusting as the ones trying to take over Mandalore, moreover they were just confused, and angered young people. People she could talk to and try to change....

When she finally reached the base of the cliff she found the blockade, both of a few clones and Republic militia men, along with the native security force.

"Halt!" A strong voice commanded as she took a step forward.

"I am Jedi Sheema Canva, I was sent here because of the situation." She replied calmly, and with faint authority. The clone looked surprised and then moved aside to allow her to enter the area.

"I'm sorry Commander, we were told it would be much longer before a Jedi could arrive here." He explained by ways of apologizing.

Sheema smiled slightly, she'd forgotten that the clones had been made to be led by Jedi Generals and Commanders.

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