Chapter Thirteen: A Dip Towards Chaos

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Chapter Thirteen: A Dip Towards Chaos

Black, everything was black....

But that was normal in meditation wasn't it? It was always dark, and her job was to concentrate and find the light...

No, something was defiantly wrong, the dark was unnatural, thick, and heavy, weighing against her, and inhibiting her to allow her mind to be free. 

And there were voices, starting out as whispers, slowly gaining in volume, and pitch until they were all screaming and yelling. Some were crying out in pain, while others were yelling warnings, speaking of happenings that didn't make sense.

All of a sudden something seemed to emerge from the middle of it all, the face was black, the darkside seeped into it. It seemed to be metal, but the face was human, and one that she had seen before... The face was tortured by fear and anger, suddenly the eyes flared red and all the voices cried out in terror at the image, the face seemed to grow bigger, and bigger. Fire coming all around it, and then suddenly swooping down on all the voices, and at the same time seeming to swallow her up...

Sheema jerked from her force induced trace, sweat pouring down her face, she was breathing fast as she surveyed her surroundings, forgetting where she was.

Slowly it all came back to her, she was in her shuttle, on her way back to Endor after assisting in the recovery efforts of some Jedi missing in action after a battle on Kessel.

"Are you alright Mistress?" M8-AE asked, turning his attention from the controls to look at her for a moment.

Despite her lingering fear Sheema smiled, and nodded her head at the droid, of almost three years.

"Yes I'm fine M8, I was just having a vision while in my trance." She explained, never finding it necessary to lie to her droid.

He seemed to contemplate that for a moment before speaking again.

"The programming for trances must be very powerful, you called out several times, yet, your eyes were shut, and you did not respond to my inquiries." He commented, turning back to his work, 

Glancing outside Sheema saw they were already in sight of Endor, she sighed in relief it had taken the better part of two weeks to complete this assignment.  Master Lieleon was probably already back from her trip to Felucia...

Well, actually Sheema knew she was back, as they began to enter the planet's atmosphere she sensed the calming influence of her master.

Once the ship landed Sheema shook her robes off, she would need to make a new one, as this one was scorched and torn from the long treks during the last few days. She slowly walked down the ramp,  savoring the feel of the gently breeze against her skin. 

She turned her head up to the sky, finding peace just looking at the soft blue, and swirls of light. Whatever was tearing itself apart outside the galaxy there was always a comforting stillness to be found here. 

Just happy to be home Sheema flopped into the soft grass, knowing that if her master was here she would find her.

Even though Sheema now held the title of Master Jedi, she still thought of Lieleon as her master, her center point in her mind. Surely she came back to Endor as for her and much as she came back for the peace.

"You were gone a long time..." A voice commented, the sound coming from just next to Sheema.

Sheema started slightly, and laughed at herself, so busy with her own wandering thoughts she had not even noticed the presence coming closer...

"When they crash a ship they generally do a thorough job of it." Sheema said by way of explanation, propping herself up to look down at  the older twi'lek next to her. 

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