Chapter Twenty One: Stressed Relations

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Chapter Twenty One: Stressed Relations

Sheema couldn't be happier, not only was new life growing inside her, but Laeta had begun to call her 'Mom'. 

For the remainder of her pregnancy things went smoothly, for the most part Sheema stayed close to home.  Kenta was still insistent about avoiding certain people, though Sheema seldom saw the point. They were married now with a child on the way, there was little anyone else could do about it. 

As her time began to wind down Sheema often found herself thinking of Electra and her son Conai, he would about ten now, and wondering where they were. She wondered it they were with Obi-Wan, although because Obi was wanted by Darth Vader himself Sheema believed that he had placed them somewhere safe...

Sheema was still several weeks from her due date when she received a rather unsettling visit. It all started when  Laeta went outside to play, Sheema had gone to their small bedroom to lay down for awhile. The baby was kicking a lot and she didn't get much sleep at night. 

Suddenly she sensed Laeta's emotions change from half bored to suddenly excited. Slowly getting back up she made her way to the front room only to find Laeta talking animatedly with an older couple. The same couple Kenta had pointed out to her as his parents!

It was the woman who first noticed Sheema's presence, and she got the distinct feeling she was going to be judged, harshly. 

"Mom! This is my grandma, and my grandpa!" Laeta explained, Sheema felt a wave of irritation pass through the woman as Laeta spoke to her. 

She let is pass though, and gave a gentle smile, indicating for them to enter the house.

"Please come in, Kenta has told me much of you." She said, technically lying through her teeth. For a moment it almost looked like they would decline the offer, but the woman continued to eyes Sheema up and down critically, obvious distaste playing on her face as she stopped at her swollen stomach. 

At this point Sheema seemed to noticed that the husband was less judgmental, it appeared he was used to his wife leading the way. And deciding how to react to certain situations. 

Finally after what seemed like forever, the woman nodded her head curtly and  sailed past Sheema towards the kitchen. Her husband actually allowed Sheema to go first before following his wife. 

"Exactly who are you?" She spat out as soon as Sheema had entered the room. Sheema actually took at step back, at her hostile sense. Clearly Kenta was right in avoiding them. 

"I am Kenta's wife Sheema." She replied evenly, behind her she could feel Laeta clinging to her leg, the sudden tension in the air confusing him. 

"Before that, who were you?" The woman pressed, obviously looking for a different answer. Sheema felt anger rise up inside, quickly she pushed it away. Perhaps the woman was just trying to make sure her son had made a good match.

"My name was Sheema Canva." She responded, her head high. For the first time the husband glanced at his wife, while she seemed to be thinking.

"Just as I thought, Off-Worlder." She said finally, seeming to hiss the last word. 

"Are you sure?" Her husband asked, speaking for the first time. The woman nodded her head, her eyes never leaving Sheema. 

"Of course I'm sure, there is no family anywhere around with that name. Also think of how she answered the question! Any self respecting citizen would have answered with 'of Corellia'! She asked, her eyes rolling slightly at her husband's doubt. 

She turned her attention back to Sheema who was still standing just inside the doorway. 

"How long did you know my son before you asked him to marry you?" She asked, her words meant to sting. 

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