Chapter three: The Power of the Force

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Chapter Three: The Power of the Force

Sheema wasn't sure how long she was alone, she spent most of the time trying to manipulate her feeling to release her bonds. Energy cuffs bound her wrists, and ankles, rendering her in an uncomfortable position. 

Footsteps sounded outside the hold, craning her neck to look at the entrance, Sheema saw Electra standing there, a strange look on her face.

Electra paused for a moment before switching the ray shield off, she stepped into the cell and crouched next to the girl.

"Here, I brought you some water." She said softly, bringing a small canteen around from her belt.  

As much as Sheema didn't want to accept the water, her thirst got the better of her, she obediently opened her mouth, and Electra gently held the canteen to her lips. 

"Why didn't you help me?" She asked, she really wanted to know, she did not get the same oppressive feeling from this woman, as she did from Dooku. This woman reminded her of her mother, or perhaps even herself. 

"I can't, not yet anyway. There is so much more happening right now. If it was only you, I would have sliced that monster where he stood. But he is my one link to someone far more dangerous." She replied, her tone hushed until she was almost whispering 

Sheema shivered, the thought of someone darker than Dooku truly scared her. 

"What...What's he planning to do with me?" She asked, her voice shaking. 

Electra put a comforting arm around the girl, though her next words were anything but. 

"He is planning to hand you over to his master, the Sith Lord. Just recently Dooku made a crucial mistake in his war against the Republic, his master was extremely displeased, and Dooku is hoping you will ease his temper." She explained, regret filling her voice. 

"What am I going to do?" Sheema nearly wailed, this was a lot to ask of a nine year old!

"I will think of something, for now, why don't you tell me about your brother? The one you spoke of back on Coruscant." Sheema sniffed, pulling herself back together. 

"I don't know anything about him, the Jedi took him away from my mother before she married my Papa. Mamma said that Obi would never know us, and not to think about him... But I can't help it, he's all I have left in the whole galaxy" She explained, unknowingly snuggling against the older girl."

"So you don't have anything for your own?" Electra asked, frowning as she turned the information over in her head.

"Yes I do, I have this." Sheema contradicted, pulling out her necklace from underneath her shirt. 

"Mamma said Obi had one too, so we would always be a part of one another." She explained proudly, allowing Electra to look the piece over before tucking it back in her tunic.

Before Electra could continue the conversation her com-link beeped, grimacing she slid the cover off and answered it.

"What Dooku?" She asked, her tone suddenly unemotional and bored.

"Go to the holding cell and observe the child. If she is awake have her brought up here. Impress in her that she must behave. " He orders, his own tone almost lazy. 

"Whatever." She grumbled into the microphone.  Giving Sheema a small, encouraging smile. 

Quickly standing up seh punched in the code to release the energy cuffs.  Sheema gave a sigh of relief and began to rub her wrists.

"Come on, you heard him, just be quiet, and there should be no issues." Electra called to the little girl, who quickly scrambled up to follow her.

The two silently made their way to the seating area. Dooku was sitting in the copilot's seat, while a droid was actually driving the ship.

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