Chapter Eleven: Final Trial

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Chapter Eleven: Final Trial

Her mothers plea roared though Sheema's mind long after she had left the little house.

"I promise I'll be back Momma, and I'll bring him too." She thought, hoping she was strong enough for her mother to hear her.

Her brother...

Now that was something she hadn't really thought about in years. She had been content with just her master, a ghost memory of a brother had faded into the back if her mind.

She wondered if he was still alive even, many Jedi had been killed since the start if the war. But deep inside Sheema knew that if he died she would feel it, she would know his sense even if she never knew him.

Several days layer Sheema was again stuck in the cockpit, silently cursing herself for not getting that droid and dérark system she had promised herself. If anything these trips were toughening her patience and endurance.

She was headed to the planet Honoghr, a planet populated by a species called the Norghi

From what her master had told her there had just been a major space battle over the planet. And the separatist ship had crashed, creating havoc on the surface.

Too add to the Norghi's problems the Jedi General who was in charge of the operation a Jedi Knashk Radian, a Rodarian, had gone rouge, believing that all were battle droids that needed to be destroyed.

He had killed almost everyone onboard his own cruiser and managed to escape to the planted stricken surface.

Sheema was to find him, and either get him to allow her to get him help, or deal with him...

Inside Sheema deeply hoped that she could still turn this wayward Jedi back to the path of light..

From what she understood not many people actually knew what had befallen Honoghr, it was a fairly out of the way place, as Sheema was discovering, and not even the Jedi knew very much about the species in general.

Sheema's hyperspace computer began to beep, signaling Honoghr was finally coming up.

Sheema nearly leaped for the controls, it had taken nearly a week to get here, and her body was screaming for fresh air and sunlight...

The wasn't going to get very fresh for awhile, Sheema thought to herself as she skimmed the planted surface, trying to find any area that hadn't been destroyed but he crashing separatist armada...

Finally she have up on finding a flat spot and decided to go the mountains. Honoghr was a smart planet, so the desolation was spread over a wide area. The surface was covered with cracks from the earthquakes that had been caused, and most of the vegetation was completely obliterated with the shock waves.

Upon reaching the first small set of mountain ranges she set down at the base of the first mountain. Her sense leading her to the area.

Sheema finally set down and freed herself from her flying prison. Stepping outside she was confronted by fumes from a dozen different sources, almost non of them normal. Coughing she flounders back into the ship and rummaged around, searching for the portable filter masks she and her master stored for emergencies.

Slipping it over her face Sheema realized that Jedi Radian was most likely hiding in a cave somewhere around here, waiting for the thick fumes to thin.

Back outside Sheema closed her eyes and carefully felt the force, searching for the now dark Jedi.

She felt something, higher up the mountain, it didn't felt evil, but it did feel, unstable. Sheema shook her head, he must be only a short ways from her.

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