Chapter Twenty Two: The Start of Something

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Chapter Twenty Two: The Start of Something

"Life can still be pleasant even in all the turmoil surrounding you." Sheema though to herself, for three years she and her husband and their two children had lived together happily. No one really bothered them, and after Kenta had gone to his parents, even they were somewhat civil.

Layla was a boisterous three year old, and Laeta was now nine, Kenta was beginning to train his son in the Jedi ways. Of this Sheema did not approve, but she had to admit the did it in a much more cunning way.

One particular day Sheema was outside, it was a lazy day, Kenta and Laeta where curled up in the couch together.

Sheema smiled to think of her husband and her son sleeping peacefully together. But there where other things she needed to do today, today was tha anniversary of her Master's death. Not when Electra had killed her. But when she realized what was happening to the rest of her Jedi family.

She decided to take Layla with her, maybe her master would see the child and tell Sheema she was doing right...

But not far away darkness was ready to strike again.

"Your hate is strong, but you lack the focus to become truest powerful." The deep voice observed, it's tone critical.

The child before him cringed slightly, clenching his fists at the words.

"What is your will for me my Master?" He asked, his high pitched child's voice vainly trying to mimic the deep, dark sound of his master.

"Go to Corellia, the place of your birth. There you will find a man by the name of Kenta Baegon. He is unknowingly the man who fathered you..." If it weren't for the boys mental shields Vader would have felt the sense of shock going through his you body.

"My...father? So my parents were alive!" Instantly his sense of sadness was replaced by anger at his thoughts. They had abandoned him, basically handed himself to this fate.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked, turning his head up slowly to look at the Sith Lord.

"Go to Corellia, kill Kenta Baegon, then I shall be assured that the darkside is your ally." He ordered the boy, he bowed his head again, making sure his sense was submissive.

"As you wish, my Master." At that he got up and walked off, heading for his shuttle, and ultimately revenge.

It didn't take him long, Vader was already heading in the general direction of Corellia when he was insturcting his young Sith acolyte. He ordered his pilot to set down at the far side of the town, well away from witnesses.

He stalked the area for a while, trying to get his mind focused on the task at hand. He couldn't help it, he was still young and his training had been brutal in all respects. How could he feel at peace with anything when chaos had been drilled into his head time, and time again?

Finally he felt a sense, it was so like his own that he knew he was on the right track, he hurried his pace, wanting to get the job over and done with. He was sure he could win his Master's approval with the completion of this mission.

He reached the modest house, glad it was set farther back, away from the other houses. His danger sense went off and he darted into the bushes, just in the nick of time as the door to the house swung open...

It revealed a figure that seemed so familiar to him, her blonde hair, and the way she stood, seeming to just sense the day around her. Suddenly a small child toddled out behind her, she laughed as the child said something and scooped her up.

He still couldn't place her face, but he felt a wrench of jelousy as the child squealed with delight. It didn't surprise him that he couldn't remember, after the crash much of his memory was lost, and what he had retained had been practically driven from him during his first few months of training.

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