Chapter Eight: An Unprecedented Confrontation

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Chapter Eight: An Unprecedented Confrontation

Obi-Wan hurried around the corner, there was only one personal in the whole universe that had a presence like that...

"Anakin!" He nearly shouted as the young Jedi turned the corner.

Apparently Anakin had been in the middle of smiling at something behind him when he caught sight of Obi-Wan, and the blood drained out of his face.

"Mast...Master, what are you doing here?" He stuttered, seeming to block the door as best he could.

"I was about to ask the same thing of you Anakin." He replied with a raised eyebrow. Before Anakin could answer another voice came from behind them, it's tone sharp and impatient.

"Come on, stop standing in the doorway. Just because you're a Jedi Knight now doesn't mean you get to throw your weight around, this is still my assignment I'm trying to finish!" Anakin started and stepped aside, revealing an impatient looking Senator Padme Amidala.

She glanced at Obi-Wan as though it was perfectly normal to see him standing there, and then turned her attention back to Anakin.

"We have to catch a transport in twenty minutes!" She seemed to remind him, he suddnly snapped back to the present and nodded his head in submission.

"Of course Senator." He replied with just the right touch of boredom...

Sheema peered around the corner, she had been curious to find out what would have caused Ben to scurry away so fast...

Looking she saw he was conversing with a younger man, he had blue eyes, and brown hair with copper tints. His hair was short at the front, but a little longer at the back, as though he had only recently become a Jedi Knight.

For a moment the boy, that's still how she saw him, seemed nervous, almost frightened by the sight of the older Jedi.

Once the woman had appeared and said somethings to them he seemed to relax she even caught him giving her a grateful, and relieved look.

Quietly Sheema crept back to where Electrra was sitting.

"Who is that?" She asked, noting Electra was rather tense.

"A hot headed young Jedi called Anakin Skywalker." She replied, her voice sounding stern.

But Sheema hardly heard it, she was still in shock.

"You mean he's the Chosen One?" She asked, her voice awed. Electra raised her eyebrows, smiling slightly at the younger woman's reaction.

"So you're not so isolated after all..." She commented, her tone a shade lighter.

"So he is the prophesied one... But you make it sound as though its a bad thing." Sheema said cocking her head in question. Electra leaned back in her chair for a moment, seeming to study on what Sheema had said.

"I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but there is something about him that doesn't feel right. Ob...Ben says that it will right itself in time. But just because he's the Chosen One doesn't mean he's exempt from the rules unlike everyone else." Electra said, a trace of bitterness in her voice.

"What do you mean?" Sheema asked, unable to hold her curiosity.

"He is powerful, but he often acts childishly, you had more control over your emotions when you were nine, then I think he does even now." Electra stated simply, faint praise in her words.

"But perhaps it is the pressure on him?" Sheema offered, choosing to save the compliment for a later date. Electra nodded her head as though allowing the possibility.

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