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-meeting through mutual friends
-you just clicked instantly
-after facetiming and texting for a few months, finn finally decided to ask you out
-lots of long hugs in the middle of the airport
-not a lot of pda
-or being a public relationship at all really. unlike millie and jacob, you don't really have a lot of media presence, so finn keeps you out of the spotlight and tries to keep you from seeing any hate that somehow surfaces on instagram or twitter
-lots of cuddles while watching pretentious indie movies
-meeting people through finn and having a lot of celebrity friends
-especially with the st and it casts along with brooklynn, you all get along well and have a great bond
-finn buys you a ton of expensive gifts, but he doesn't really want anything in return (he just likes seeing you happy)
-whenever he is away you are always talking whenever possible
-finn is a man of spontaneous flights to wherever you live, he just wants to see you in front of him
-getting jealous/possessive over anyone looking at you (even though you assure him that you would never leave him, he still has this little part of him that feels like you would)
-both of you cheering the other up when they are not feeling the best mentally
-helping finn with his anxiety and finn helping you with your struggles to make you stronger

hope you enjoyed!!! lowercase is intended btw. also please let me know if you want more like this and what i can improve on <3

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