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-finn is kinda tall, so forehead and just plain head kisses are a must
-he mainly does them when he thinks you did something cute
-but if you are taller than him, don't fret, he loves to kiss your cheek when he can't exactly reach your forehead
-he really only kisses you on the lips when you're alone or with close friends and family
-and when he does kiss you, the kiss depends on his mood
-mostly they are soft or passionate
-both show how much he loves you
-no kiss ever lasts very long, as he doesn't really know how to make out yet
-but when you cuddle he likes to kiss the side of your head and your neck because he just loves you
-sleepy kisses are the cutest
-they are usually in the morning when you two just wake up and you start the day without any words, just a light kiss
-lots of good luck kisses when you visit on set and when you're at calpurnia concerts
-finn would kiss you if one of you is jealous too
-once you got jealous of millie and ran onto the set they were in and kissed him right in front of her
-she just laughed and told you she didn't like him like that
-also a lot of goodbye kisses
-they're probably the longest out of all
-probably have the most emotion too
-in the beginning of your relationship, one of you would end up crying, but now it's gotten to where you know that he's going to come back and there was no reason to cry (we love a married couple!!!)
-also, when finn did try to make out with you, it would just end up in a ton of short little kisses with him saying "i love you" in between each one

sorry it's been a hot minute. hope this satisfies!

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