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boyfriend tag✨

-you had been a youtuber for over two years
-finn was obvs your boyfriend
-why not do the boyfriend tag
-neither of you knew if you really wanted to film and then post it
-but you were kinda curious about what finn remembered about your relationship
-while setting up the camera finn kept asking if you needed help
-you could tell he was nervous and his anxiety was bothering him
-so when you were done you helped him calm down
-after that was the fun bit
-you got the questions that you wrote or and turned on the camera
-"hey, guys it's y/n! i'm here today with my boyfriend, finn, and we're gonna do the boyfriend tag because you hoes kept tweeting about it."
-finn was staring at you during your intro
-(there were many comments about when he smiled and or stared at you)
-you started asking some questions, finn getting the majority right
-he missed the ones you kinda expected him to miss
-which were the really easy ones
-like, "when was our first date?"
-or, "where did we meet?"
-but he did get some of the cuter questions right
-"what was your first impression of me?"
-("you were, and still are, gorgeous.")
-"what did we do for our one year anniversary?"
-("i took you to a fancy restaurant because you were wanting to go there anyway, so i took you.")
-you kinda knew what he was doing
-he kept getting the questions that would make you two seem cuter right
-and got the more "boring" answers wrong
-the video was full of you two fooling around
-lots of kisses were cut out of the vid
-while editing, finn was beside you telling you what you can and can't have in the video
-because some things he is not allowed to say
-(ya know career wise)
-but when the fans got a hold of it
-i mean they knew that you two were a thing
-but they didn't expect you to be this cute
-comments were asking about all sorts of stuff
-(you can probably guess what)
-but finn didn't get in trouble
-and the video was a huge success with both parties

this is also requested! hope you guys liked it!

(also i wrote this the day after millie showed how much of a crackhead finn really is)(not like we didn't already know lmao)

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