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you and finn hadn't seen each other in a long time. and by a long time, i mean about a month. you loved each other and everything, but finn was so busy that you would never see each other. today you had a full day with him, and you were going to go shopping. for vinyl!

"y/n why did you decide on today? i wanted to stay in and cuddle. why couldn't we just make out all day and possibly do other things?" the teenage boy whines, "we literally have all day, no filming, no annoying friends. cough. noah. y/n please, let's just go."

"shut up finn, you know you want to go get some new vinyl, you never stop talking about it," you complain just the slightest bit.

"yeah, but still, i wanna spend the day with you alone, not with fans coming at me from every angle."

"we are going out to get this stupid vinyl, whether you like it or not!" now he was starting to get on your nerves. "stop acting like a hungry baby and let's get this over with."

finn definitely looked a lot more excited now because he knew what you were promising. cuddles!!!!

you picked out some of your favorites, while finn was walking around undecided about which ones he wanted. "just pick something finn."

"i want something that would not only add to my collection but also make me happy when listening. this is a hard decision y/n."

you were also undecided, mostly about whether you should just leave him here, or to help him pick something.

"just pick something that has soul."

"no! i cant have soul music yet!! it would defeat the purpose of going today!"

"finn, you sound crazy. just pick one vinyl. and let's go." he finally just picked some weird looking vinyl and decided he was good.

"thanks for helping me out, babe." he muttered. "i'm so lucky to have you."

"i saw that, don't just use your stupid acting on me, make sure it looks real and appealing, not gross and stupid. you sounded like you were on one of tho-" he stopped you mid-rant about the bachelor.

it was a quick little kiss, but it still made a little squeal come out of one of the girls outside, too scared to be in the same room as finn wolfhard.

"love you!" you say, walking out the door after letting finn pay for your vinyl. he said they were an early birthday gift. you knew he just wanted you to be happy. and because he has a lot of money.

sorry for the second hiatus, it has been a wonderful week or something of stress and writer's block. but i'm here now and probably the same as ever! also, i got 200 followers on tumblr!! this is super exciting!!! thank you for reading and voting and supporting me!

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