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talent show✨

-so you were gonna perform at your local talent show
-when you told finn he was so excited
-you were finally going to let people see you doing what you do best
-(your talent)
-you have been practicing and practicing
-finn has been so supportive and loving the entire journey
-helping you or even watching you with your talent
-he was more nervous than you were if i'm being honest
-he was sitting in the back
-in the very middle
-he was wearing all black with his hood up
-all he wanted was for you and the other talented people to be recognized
-not him
-you were one of the last people performing
-so finn got to sit and watch so many amazing people perform and watch them do what they love
-but the longer be sat there and the longer you were backstage
-the more nervous you guys got
-this wasn't a competition
-you knew that
-but you still wanted to do well
-when it was your turn
-you almost didn't go up
-but someone you were talking to pushed you up the stairs/ramp
-you walked to wherever you needed to be to start
-you performed and did so well!
-finn was in awe
-you had your little blurbs here and there
-but no performance is perfect
-you did your best
-and tbh no one knows you messed up except you and finn
-so it was pretty good
-finn screamed the loudest without drawing too much attention
-and he also gave you a trophy he bought from dollar tree
-he says that you won in his heart
-he's cute or whateva

a/n: this was a 2 parter, but i have a lot of requests atm sorry if this was yours. this still super cute ngl

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