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-finn bought a plane ticket for you to come and visit him
-by the time you got there, it was really late for him
-and for you
-"sorry your flight was so late"
-"finn it's fine"
-he normally just walks towards his room
-expecting you to join him when your ready to go to sleep
-but this time
-he grabs your hand and pulls you into his room
-he jumps onto the bed
-you following after in a fit of sleepy giggles
-he quickly cuddles up to you
-and after a bit of snuggling
-you both fell asleep
-finn laying on your chest
-face in neck
-finns dad came in because the lights were still on
-and saw the two of you cuddling together
-finn snoring lightly
-he let out a quick "aww"
-and took a picture he knew the both of you would want
-in the morning
-finn was basically covering the entire bed
-like a starfish
-and you were trying to get more space than the edge of the bed
-you eventually got up from being kicked and smacked by finn
-and pushed him off the bed
-i mean you guys slept for 10 hours
-you wanted to have a day of fun on set
-while being on the floor, finn just groaned
-but he got up
-probably tackling you to the bed
-the boy did play football in like middle school or something
-so he surprised you
-covering your face with kisses
-"finn stop! you breath smells like shit!"
-he didn't care and neither did you tbh

this is part one of a request, the other part is completely different, but equally cute! thanks for reading

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