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-you and finn have been flirting for almost 6 months
-he hasn't done anything about it
-but today was different
-finn was really nervous
-but you didn't know that he was planning to ask you out today
-he took you out for lunch
-then you played putt-putt or mini golf
-(he totally let you win, but got mad bc you actually won)
-for the final part of the date, he took you out for dinner
-it was an expensive restaurant
-he ordered dessert
-even though the both of you were full
-the cake that they brought out had something written on it
-"be mine?"
-you looked at finn
-a confused facial expression strung across your face
-"be my girlfriend?"
-you guys have been dating for about 6 months
-finn decided to tell his friends
-they were so happy for you two
-the next time finn invited you to go with him to see some of those friends
-you were so nervous bc you already knew how much they were going to tease the both of you
-"hey lovebirds, when's the baby coming?" josh asked
-you and finn only blushed and rolled your eyes
-the day continued with stupid jokes and puns about baby's and relationships
-basically a nightmare
-there were a few bad ones that made you put your face in finns neck
-but other than that, it was fine
-but it was all out of fun so you didn't mind it
-even some of the other couples were making fun of you
-that's when you know your friends are ok with the relationship

a/n: i didn't know how to end it sorry!

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