2. US Soccer Family News

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May 22, 2016
By: Jessica Lockhead

USMNT's #1, Tim Howard (37y)was included in the roster for the 2016 Copa America Centenario yesterday, and last night, he and his team threw maternal half sister, Hannah Bedal (17y), a going away party at the team hotel. Bedal, an avid ballet dancer, will be going to Paris to join the Royal French Ballet Theatre, having been recruited from the American Ballet Theatre's academy.

Howard said in a recent interviews how proud of Bedal he is for following her passion which lays off the pitch. He admitted that he and their mom tried to get Bedal into playing soccer like him. He laughed as he said how bad at soccer she was, making it clear early on that she wouldn't be following in his footsteps as a baller. A big grin broke out on his face while describing the feeling of watching Bedal perform. He said he was so excited for his baby sister to have this opportunity.

We had the chance to sit down with Bedal last night and chat with her a little bit. She had a big grin on her face the entire time. Scribe below.

JL: Hi, Hannah! How are you?

HB: I'm awesome, thank you! How are you?

JL: I'm doing well. Now before we go too far, you're soaking wet! What happened?

HB: Funny story actually. I was standing there talking with DeAndre, Brad, and Geoff when I was accidentally knocked into the pool. Apparently some of the guys were throwing a football around. Christian (Pulisic) was leaping to get it, and we both fell in the pool.

JL: Oh my gosh! That's so funny!

HB: It really was. He felt really bad, but I thought it was just funny.

JL: Have you two let before?

HB: Oh Yeah! We met back in March at Tim's. T threw a welcome party for Christian. I stopped by to tell Tim I was moving to Paris after ballet class, and we met when he accidentally spilled soda on me.

JL: The two of you have a string of incidents then, huh?

HB: Nah! It was fine. I needed an excuse to get a new tutu, so my tutu is covered in soda was a great reason. And it's still pretty hot out so I'm okay she laughed while wrapping the towel around herself a little bit more.

JL: That's so funny. So, you're leaving for Paris soon correct?

HB: Yes. I'm catching a red eye to London in just a few hours, and then I'll head to Paris.

JL: How are you feeling about moving to Paris?

HB: I'm really excited. This is an amazing opportunity. I'm so grateful to the ABT academy for training me so well. It's a huge honour to be asked to join the Royal French Ballet Theatre. I'm a little nervous about moving to France, but it's going to be a great experience.

JL: What are you most looking forward to in Paris?

HB: I'm most looking forward to learning more and growing as a ballerina. That's the main reason I agreed to join the academy in Paris. I just want to be the best I can be. Outside of dance, I'm excited for the culture. I want to go to the Lovre and the Eiffel Tower, and oh! The food! I'm so excited about the food. I'm such a foodie.

JL: You're a foodie?

HB: Oh yeah! You can't tell, but I love to eat!

JL: Well, I'm sure there's a ton of great food in Paris! Are you worried about the language barrier?

HB: Not too much. I just finished my fifth year of French. I know there's still a lot to learn, but they say immersion is the best way to learn a language.

JL: That's true. Since we are here at the team hotel, I have to ask, what's your favourite memory with the team?

HB: Ooooo. That's so tough. I have so many great memories with the team especially since I've grown up with them. I love being with them. I think one of my favourite memories would be watching the 2014 World Cup draw with everyone to see what group they would be in. That was just absolutely electric. And then my other one would be my 13th birthday. They threw me a massive party, and it was just really special.

JL: Those are good ones! Well good luck in Paris, and thank you so much for chatting with us.

HB: No problem. Thank you! See you soon.

Howard was 19 when Bedal was born. She often talks about how she sees the other players as her brothers. She posted this picture with Pulisic, Yedlin, and Dempsey on her Instagram. She's said in the past she loves having 20 other older brothers.

Howard posted a picture of the two of them when they were younger along with a sweet message for his baby sister

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Howard posted a picture of the two of them when they were younger along with a sweet message for his baby sister. The two siblings are very close despite the 19 year age gap.

We at US Soccer Family News are very excited to see how Bedal does in Paris. Best wishes to her!

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