Chapter ☕️

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(Y/n) - Your Name
(L/n) - Last Name
(Y/h) - Your Hobby
(Y/F/C) - Your Fave Color


The warm smell of early morning coffee, & the clinking of mugs on tables flies around my head as I groggily wait for my order of black coffee.

It's too early for this.
It's 7:00am, & I need my coffee.

Just being recently unemployed, I have to scramble to find a new job.

Rent doesn't pay itself you know.

I got fired for not showing up to work on time.
It's my first time being fired.
Literally everyday I was late.
I just can't show up to work that early.
5:00am? No way!

Well now I can't show up at all so how does that help them anyways?

I hate working.

"Your order ma'am. A black coffee with a chocolate chip cookie. Enjoy!"

The waitress gently puts my mug down, & hand me a tiny bag with my cookie in it.

"Thank you!"

She smiles & nods, & walks away.
The steam from the coffee slowly rises, & disappears.
I look around the café as I'm waiting for my hot beverage to cool off.

I grab the sugar and pour it in, with some powdered creamer. I order it black because it's really embarrassing about how much creamer and sugar I put in it.

Mostly adults are here. They all look as tired as I do.

I lock eyes with a man one booth away from me.
Neither of us look away.

He kindly gives a small wave. I nod back.

"Early morning coffee?" I ask, trying to spike a conversation.

"You betcha. Can't go a day without this stuff!" He takes a sip of the coffee.

"I agree!" I pause. "Can...I come sit by you?"
The man shrugs.

"Sure! Why not?"

I pick up my coffee & my cookie, & walk on over.
I sit cautiously, trying not to spill my coffee & break my cookie all at once.

"Oh! Let me help you!" He takes my coffee, & gently places it on my side.

"Oh thank you!" I sit gently, but the green booth seat groans anyways.
"No problem! My name is Jim. Jim Halpert." He takes out his hand, & I shake it.

"Nice to meet you. I'm (y/n)(l/n)."

the coffee☕️ {Jim Halpert X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now