Chapter ☕️x28

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It's almost 6pm now and all I've been doing is sitting here in my couch silently. Me and Jim haven't been texting.

This is so embarrassing.
I can't shake the feeling.
I feel so bad for Pam.

I remember during the party Michael had told me that at one point Pam was banned from Chili's? I tried to ask Jim to further explain but he said it's a long story, so I didn't ask about it again.

Maybe I need a coffee. That would probably make my anxiousness worse.

I'll just get a decaf.


I get up and get my keys to head out.

I pull up to the coffee shop, get inside, noticing that not many people in the shop. There are a few college students, with their nose shoved into their computer screens typing away.

I don't look around too much, I don't wanna catch eye contact with anybody. This is just a "me, myself, & i" kind of trip.

I'm greeted by a nice waitress, who leads me to my usual booth. All of the employees here are starting to remember who I am, oddly.

That shows how much I drink coffee.


I sit down with a sigh, as my waitress tells me that she'll be back with a clean cup and a kettle of coffee.

I politely nod and wait silently.
I mess around with a sugar packet as I'm waiting for her to come back.

She comes back and gently puts my cup down, and I tell her thank you, and start putting my creamer and my sugar in. I get my phone out just to seem busy like them.

I hear the bell at the front of the coffee shop, as more students start to leave. It's around 7 now, it's getting dark out.

I slowly and quietly sip my coffee. I look up from time to time, noticing that more people have left. Soon, I'm the only customer left, and I sorta feel bad about it.

I keep periodically looking up at the door, I don't know what for. Who am I waiting for? I think I'm probably just worried I'm gonna run into someone I know.

I should leave soon. I look back down on my phone and finish up my coffee. I leave my tip and tell my waitress goodbye.

This was a nice simple trip. It cleared my mind. I'm calm now.

As I leave the shop, I turn around looking back at my booth one more time, noticing how empty it looks.

I continue on and get to my car, in my own headspace.

Well, until someone calls my name.

I am back to updating! Thank you for 81k reads! ❤️

the coffee☕️ {Jim Halpert X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now