Chapter ☕️x18

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I slowly but surely after a few minutes I finally fall back asleep.

I wake up to the sun shining in my eyes, and being overheated again. I sit up, and my head immediately starts pounding. I lay back down holding my head. Oh great now my head hurts.

"Holy shit," I groan, closing my eyes tightly. After a few seconds of trying to bare the pain, I open my eyes slightly to look around, and take notice of the room I'm in.


I'm at Jim's apartment!?

I sit up slowly and throw off the covers to head downstairs.

I hear rustling of some kind of paper bag in the kitchen.

I turn the corner and see Jim rustling through a McDonalds bag.

"Oh hey!" He says. His voice sounds very dry, like he had just woken up not to long ago either.

I smile. "Hey." I say, holding my head.

"This isn't my house," I say lightly, looking around.

He'd just gotten back from McDonalds.

"Turns out, McDonalds was open on Christmas Day l/n." He smiles, showing me the bag.

I laugh.

"Thank you? What's this for?" He puts the bag back down on the table, and looks at my head. He completely ignores my question, and asks,


I let him ignore me and I answer.

"Most definitely." I nod.

He smiles, and shakes his head.

"Merry Christmas y/n." He smiles.

Oh yeah it's Christmas. Hangovers are a bitch.

I smile and say it back.

We sit down to eat, and he actually got my favorite breakfast. Sausage McMuffin and a coffee. (with TONS of creamer of course)

Yeah he found out about my creamer thing.

"Why did you want McDonalds so bad last night?" Jim asks as he takes a bite of his hash brown.

"I wanted McDonalds?"

Jim stops chewing, and looks me straight in the eye. He starts smiling. "You don't remember anything from last night do you?"

I smile and shake my head.

He laughs, leaning back into his chair. "Oh my god l/n you don't even know."

"Oh god." I shake my head smiling.

He told me everything that happened, which, sounds like me when I'm sober anyways.

He said I really wanted to go to McDonalds, and he had to keep telling me that it probably wasn't open anyways because it was Christmas Eve. He brought me here because I said that I was going to drive there myself if I didn't get McDonalds.


good job me.

After we ate, he told me he had to go to a family Christmas party, and asked me if I wanted to go, but my head is pounding so bad, I need to drop dead in my bed.

He drops me off at my house, and I get ready to get out of the car.

"Text me when you feel better l/n. Or if you change your mind and really want to come to this party?" He smiles as I get out of the car.

"You really want me to come don't you?" I smile back.

"Oh my god yes I have way to many relatives to deal with. Please please please come with me l/n!"

I shake my head and smile.

"Jim I really really would but my head is just pounding."

"Alright alright," he says. "get some rest l/n." He smiles.

I smile back, and close the car door. Jim slowly backs out of my drive way as I make my way inside my house.

It's time to get my coffee and blankets ready.

And Netflix.

more soon :)

the coffee☕️ {Jim Halpert X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now