Chapter ☕️x31

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Well, this is a nice way to start out my morning.

Y/n has texted me to tell me to be with Pam, without an explanation at all. I read her text, but never responded.

I didn't know what to say.

And today the office is very oddly quiet. Hang-over Monday apparently. Even Meredith is sleeping on her desk.

Wait that's kinda normal.

Erin and y/n are talking about lunch, the rest I couldn't hear. I didn't want to eavesdrop, so I got to work.

When lunch came around, I wasn't hungry; Erin and y/n left so quick that they were gone in a blink, and everyone else was getting ready to go eat.

"Alright look, let's not address the elephant in the room," Dwight says. "

I throw my hands in the air and land them back down on my desk.

"You literally just did."

"Oh I did? Oh really? Didn't notice." Dwight gets up chucking.

"You and y/n are not together now, hm? Having an...affairrrr? Pathetic." He starts getting his coat on, while everyone else files into the break room.

They're most definitely hung over.

"No, I'm not-

Micheal comes storming out of his office before I can finish my sentence.

"Oh my god, I literally cannot take this anymore, I've sat in there for 3 hours doing absolutely nothing! Nothing! I've literally been messing with Clippy on my computer to pass the time! Clippy!!!"

I turn around in my chair, trying not to laugh. Micheal continues talking.

"After that Halloween party we had, Wallace has been up my ass about everything!" Micheal starts mocking him.

"Oh, You'Re nOt dOinG yOur woRk! Oh, yOur juSt goOfiNg OfF! oH, JaN iS gOnNa tAkE yoUr JOB! God! Ugh."

Dwight walks over to him. "Let's go get lunch, Micheal. We can talk about it there. We don't need Jim's input."

I shrug, smiling. "I've literally said nothing."

"I saw you trying not to laugh at Micheal's distress. How dare you? C'mon Michael."

I start chuckling.

"Yeah Jim, your mean! You're in destress too and I'm not laughing at you!" Michael calls out by the doors, getting ready to leave.

"I'm not laughing at you Michael I'm laughing with you!"

"I'm not laughing!!"

After they leave, the office gets quiet again, and everyone is talking in the break room. My office phone starts ringing, and I automatically notice it's Pam. I pick it up.

"You're speaking with this Jimmy Johns, may I take your order?"

She laughs, and then starts whispering.

"No no, Jim, I'm sorry if you're on your lunch break, I just got out of a meeting with David Wallace, I'm about to go into another one. I'd like to talk with y/n when the work day is over. Where does she usually go after work?"

"She uhm, usually goes to The Scranton Coffee Shop, the one right by the office. She's there sometimes."

"Alright thank you," she pauses. "Hey, you sound really upset though, what's up?"

I sigh, starting to play with a pen on my desk.

"She hasn't talked to me all day, or practically all weekend. She texted me and told me to be with you, but, I-I can't do that, obviously. I wouldn't want to in the first place."

Wow nice wording. I quickly try to save it.
"Nothing against you of course!"

She chuckles.

"Thanks Jimmy."

"What I meant was, I know for sure that you're married now, and we both know for a fact we are better off friends," I chuckle, and pause. "I have been a little distant with her since you came back again, I just got caught up in our Jim and Pam relationship you know? Like as friends." I pause again. "I just wanna give her the space she needed. I really didn't know how to respond back to what she said to me."

"Mhm," she says. "I think maybe if I talk to her after work, I can talk some sense into her, and tell her what happened."

I close my eyes and sigh in relief.

"Thanks Beasley. I owe you."

She laughs lightly again.

"Trust me, you don't."

Smiling, she hangs up again before I can say anything more.

That damn Beasley.

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