Chapter ☕️x11

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oh. dear. god.

"I-I'm sorry?" I stutter.

Jim rubs the back of his neck.
"Yeah, I have for awhile now," Jim chuckles. "I just thought I'd let you know."
Everything feels stagnant around me.

How cliché.



My phone vibrates in my pocket, as I assume is Erin, but I don't check it.

"I don't know what to say...I..."

Jim leans back in his chair. "I know I know, I'm- I know it's a little, sudden, but, I just couldn't hold it in anymore. I totally understand if-"

"Jim!" I stop him.

"I've felt the same way for awhile too." I smile.

Jim sighs, as he slowly relaxes. He smiles, and sits back up.
"This, tonight, is so romantic," I look around. "I love it all." I say quietly.
"Thank god you like it because I am seriously not a creative person whatsoever." He smiles back.

I laugh.
"You did really well, 10/10."
He laughs back.
"Do you want more coffee?"

The atmosphere around us slowly goes back to normal.

"Yeah, I could go for another round, but, only fill it halfway please." I say, giving him my mug.

"Alright, another coffee coming up." He walks out to the kitchen.

"(Y/n)!" Jim calls from the kitchen. "I have a few movies we can watch tonight," he walks out of the kitchen with another mug of coffee. "would you, care to stick around awhile for tonight? I know you have plans with Erin, but it would be very long."
He sits back down, and sets down my coffee.

I blow on my coffee. "Absolutely!" 
"Really? Does Billy Madison sound like a good choice to you?" Jim smiles.

I smile. "Perfect."

Short chapter again, I know, but hey, thank you guys for 1.65k views! 💛


More soon! ;)

the coffee☕️ {Jim Halpert X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now