Chapter ☕️x24

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Okay so to recap everything that happened over the week:  nothing.

Jim still likes to go to Chili's with Pam everyday now this week.

They're still catching up I guess.

Jim still talks to me of course, flirts, but he spends most of his time taking with Pam.

For right now, I'm getting ready for the New Years Party, with Micheal, whose here an hour earlier than he's supposed to. I'm setting up a banner that I'm clearly struggling with, but Micheal is sitting on my couch and just asking me random things. And instead of refilling his solo cup, he's using a new solo cups every time his drink runs out. And he keeps drinking the same drink.

I just realized that I'm setting this entire thing up just to see if Jim would do anything with Pam.

Maybe I should call it off.

"Hey (y/n)?"

"Yes Micheal?"

"Can I be the bar tender?"

"The bar tender?"

"Yeah. Mix all the drinks?"


"Cool because I wasn't going to take no for an answer anyways. I'm your boss ya know."

"Yes Micheal, I know that."

"How do you feel about Jim cheating on you?"

"Just because you saw him at Chili's with Pam doesn't mean he's cheating on me."

Micheal and Dwight told me that he saw Pam with him at Chili's during their lunch break, which, they didn't know I knew about. They pulled me into Micheals office to tell me that. I get the banner set up, and start to get the karaoke set up.

"Yeah but they were kinda sitting close." Micheal mumbles, fumbling with his cup.

"What? You didn't tell me that!"

"What? Really? Oh. Phhh. Yeah! They were sitting across from each other, but their faces were kinda close together, and it looked like they were holding hands." 

Oh my god.

"Wow Micheal, thanks for letting me know." I say sarcastically.

"Your welcome. It didn't come from me though."

"It did."

"Well, okay. Don't be a tattle tail...Gosh where is everyone? I guess your party is just lameee."

"Micheal you're here super early."

He twists his wrist and looks at his watch.

"Oh, shoot. I'm still learning how to read analog clocks."

"You'll get there." I mumble.

I feel like I should text him and talk to him about it, but, I'm going to wait to observe for the party. I just have to make sure I don't get super drunk.

More and more people started filing in, Andy was the first person to come ON TIME.

"Hey Kiddo! I brought soda and some chips for ya."
"Thanks! Hey, since you're a singing kinda guy, the karaoke is ready."

"Sweet! Hey Micheal!"

"Hey Andy." Micheal says, still sitting on the couch.

He hands me the soda and chips, and starts fumbling with the karaoke.

People starting coming in more and more, Erin and Kelly showed up, Ryan, Phyllis, Angela, Dwight.

Once Kelly showed up, she took me and Erin and lead us into my bathroom.

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